Tugas Hasil Analisis Karateristik Guru dan Siswa di dalam Video Information Technology in Education.
Mixed education and technology have gradually been described as a key element in the advancement of human education. Information Method Retrieve of course to build a new characteristic towards teachers and students.
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Ini sekedar contoh, jawaban anda lah yang terbaik.
Teachers as one of the educators who are directly the result of the technological progress itself directly from the unique features. As in the video, the teacher's role as the main watch facilitator. Teachers are able to plan excellent learning plans with facts that exist in the real world, besides teachers also provide an excellent stimulus for students to find out from the problems that students face. In this case, at the beginning of learning to find out about the designs that exist on the internet as learning. That is, the teacher is able to provide a reference for good learning to students. In addition, in the learning process, teachers are also always involved in real-time learning using technology.
Tugas asli dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia.
Ini sekedar contoh, jawaban anda lah yang terbaik.
Teachers also provide opportunities for students to explore science with the outside world, such as experts, and so forth. Thus, the teacher gives cognitive freedom and experiments on the activities of the patient with the attitude of error and success. This is a very active process in students' memory.
So the conclusion is that teachers in 21st-century learning are as follows:
1. Master Mastering technology
2. Teachers are able to prepare the learning plan very well
3. Teachers take advantage of all aspects of support in the framework of technological sophistication
4. Teachers facilitate all learning steps well
5. Teachers utilize technology in terms of planning, controlling, and evaluation of student activities to fit the learning objectives themselves
Tugas asli dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia.
Ini sekedar contoh, jawaban anda lah yang terbaik.
Currently, the ability to access information generally has changed education. In general, the current early generation (learners) can be used further than the different generations The speed of information distribution can be easily accessed well. However, please note that increasing access to large data makes students need help in selecting, studying, and analyzing information, and they need to learn how to determine the information themselves.
Inside the video, the learning process done by the students is very helpful for those who have great curiosity. Inside the video, students appear to be very enthusiastic in using technology to learn instruction in accordance with an instruction from teachers.
Tugas asli dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia.
Ini sekedar contoh, jawaban anda lah yang terbaik.
They also gain hands-on experience from experts related to their duties in building the bridge models that govern them. Try and Error is commonplace for them in the implementation of learning that is also done in groups. Those who are able to work with teachers and friends in solving the problems they face make their learning diving a very good one. Well, from this description, it can be concluded that the people who are knowledgeable in the video are:
1. Able to understand instructions from the teacher
2. Have the skills in using technology
3. Work together in choosing and understanding the right information
4. Always active in finding out the solution problem
5. Have real experience with experts outside the school
6. Try and Error is the solution in their process of piracy.
Tugas asli dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia.
Ini sekedar contoh, jawaban anda lah yang terbaik.
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