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Latihan Test Toefl Part B dan C Listening Section dilengkapi Audio dan Transcript


Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversation and the questions will not be repeated.

After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Here is an example.

On the recording, you hear:
(narrator)         : Questions 31 through 32. Listen to the conversation between two people.
(man)               : Is Monica there, please?
(woman)          : I’m sorry, she isn’t here right now. Can I give her a message?
(man)               : Yes, this is George. Please ask her to call me at work.
(woman)          : OK. Can you give me your phone number, please?
(man)               : Sure. It’s 555-2891

Questions        : Sample Answer
On the recording, you hear:
(narrator) : Where are the woman and the man talking?
In your test book, you read:
(A) In the office
(B) On the phone
(C) At Monica’s house
(D) At school

Based on the conversation, the suitable answer for question ‘Where are the woman and the man talking?’is ‘On the phone.’ Therefore, the best choice is (B).

On the recording, you hear: Sample Answer
(narrator) : What is the meaning of the word ‘call’?
In your test book, you read:
(A) phone
(B) mention
(C) scream
(D) talk

Now begin work on the questions.
(A) In a post office
(B) In a bank
(C) On the street
(D) At home

(A) To the post office
(B) To the bank
(C) To the man’s house
(D) To market

(A) In a bank
(B) On Third Street
(C) On Fouth Street
(D) On Center Avenue

(A) then
(B) beside
(C) between
(D) after

(A) Having lunch
(B) Their favourite foods
(C) A particular restaurant
(D) The office

(A) Because she has no food.
(B) Because she is busy.
(C) Because she is on a diet.
(D) Because she has no money to buy food.

(A) Mashed beef and roasted potatoes
(B) Fried rice and fried beef
(C) Mashed potatoes and roasted beef
(D) Beef steak

(A) On the phone
(B) At a restaurant
(C) In the office
(D) At home

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Here is an example.
On the recording, you hear:
(narrator)         : Listen to the talk about the dust-yards.
(man)               : The dust-yards were the most notorious of the nineteenth-century waste trades. In ‘Dangerous Trade’ (1902), industrial health expert Thomas Oliver stated that ‘under all circumstances dust-sorting is dirty and disagreeable work.’ The uniquely unpleasant conditions of the yards meant that dust-women formed ‘a class by themselves, and so the work becomes more or less hereditary.’ The workers also received marginal reward for their efforts. By 1900 the average wages of women in contractors’ yards in London were only between seven and eight shillings per week. As a result the dust-yards were increasingly controversial by the end of the nineteenth century. At the same time, the waste continued to grow. The 1875 Public Health Act had given local authorities a legal responsibility to remove and dispose of domestic waste. However, the last years of the century saw a solution to the apparently insoluble problem of what to do with the refuse of Britain’s cities. A means, in the eyes of experts, to achieve the perfect removal of waste without resort to either the dust-yard or the “tip”(the incinerator).

Now listen to a sample question. Sample Answer
(narrator)         : What is the topic of the talk?

In your test book, you read:
(A) Dust-yards                                    (C) Thomas Oliver
(B) Dangerous trade                           (D) Britain’s cities

The best answer to the question ‘What is the topic of the talk?’is (A) ‘dust-yards’. It is based
on a statement ‘The dust-yards were the most notorious of the nineteenth-century waste
trades.’ Therefore, the correct choice is (A).

Now listen to another sample question. Sample Answer
(narrator)         : According to Thomas Oliver’s statement, how is under all circumstances dust-sorting?

In your test book, you read:
(A) It is dirty and agreeable work.
(B) It is dirty and disagreeable work.
(C) It is clean and agreeable work.
(D) It is clean and disagreeable work.

The best answer to the question According to ‘Thomas Oliver’s statement, how is under all
cisrcumstances dust-sorting?’ is (B) ‘It is dirty and disagreeable work.’ It is based on a statement ‘industrial health expert Thomas Oliver stated that ‘under all circumstances dustsorting is dirty and disagreeable work.’ Therefore, the correct choice is (B).

Now begin work on the questions.
(A) Men
(B) Women
(C) Kids
(D) Parents

(A) an hour and 18 minutes
(B) 4 hours and 5 minutes
(C) 4 hours and 16 minutes
(D) 2 hours and 54 minutes

(A) an hour and 18 minutes
(B) 4 hours and 5 minutes
(C) 4 hours and 16 minutes
(D) 2 hours and 54 minutes

42. (
(A) wildly
(B) mildly
(C) hardly
(D) trully

(A) the influence of media.
(B) the bad effects of television.
(C) the advantages of internet.
(D) some critics about internet.

(A) Making society passive
(B) Entertaining society
(C) Changing the society into being materialistic
(D) Exposing society to violence

(A) Giving more information
(B) Giving increased understanding of the world
(C) Making people violent
(D) Entertaining people

(A) aggresive
(B) progressive
(C) persuasive
(D) abrasive

(A) Women’s health
(B) Men’s lives
(C) Gender issues
(D) Careers based on sex

(A) Passive
(B) Active
(C) No change
(D) Handicapped

(A) Women want to make progress towards gaining equal rights
(B) Women want to be in a higher position than men
(C) Women want the opportunity to get what they want
(D) Women want to defeat men

(A) It is a uncommon issue.
(B) It is an interesting problem.
(C) It is not a big deal.
(D) It is a serious issue.


Now begin work on the questions.
(narrator)         : Questions 31 through 34. Listen to the conversation between two people.
(woman)          : Excuse me. Can you help me?
(man)               : Sure.
(woman)          : Is there a post office around here?
(man)               : Yes, there is. It’s on Center Avenue. It’s on Center, between Third and Fourth Streets.
(woman)          : Next to the bank?
(man)               : Yes, that’s right. It’s on the corner next to the bank.
(woman)          : Thanks a lot.
(man)               : You’re welcome.

31. (narrator) : Where does the conversation probably take place?
(A) In a post office
(B) In a bank
(C) On the street
(D) At home

32. (narrator) : Where is the woman going to go?
(A) To the post office
(B) To the bank
(C) To the man’s house
(D) To market

33. (narrator) : Where is the post office?
(A) In a bank
(B) On Third Street
(C) On Fouth Street
(D) On Center Avenue

34. (narrator) : What is the meaning of ‘next to’?
(A) then
(B) beside
(C) between
(D) after

(narrator)         : Questions 35 through 38. Listen to the conversation between two people.
(man)               : Have you eaten your lunch?
(woman)          : Not yet. I’m too busy right now. I’ll eat my lunch later.
(man)               : OK. But don’t forget to eat it because you need more energy when have a lot of things to do.
(woman)          : I know. Thanks for your suggestion.
(man)               : You’re welcome. I’m going to have mashed potatoes and roasted beef in the restaurant nearby. Would you like to join?
(woman)          : I’d love to, but I’ll have my lunch later after I finish with this document. Have a good lunch.
(man)               : Thanks.
35. (narrator) : What is the topic of the conversation?
(A) Having lunch
(B) Their favourite foods
(C) A particular restaurant
(D) The office

36. (narrator) : Why does the woman postpone her lunch?
(A) Because she has no food.
(B) Because she is busy.
(C) Because she is on a diet.
(D) Because she has no money to buy food.

37. (narrator) : What does the man want to eat for lunch?
(A) Mashed beef and roasted potatoes
(B) Fried rice and fried beef
(C) Mashed potatoes and roasted beef
(D) Beef steak

38. (narrator) : Where does the conversation probably take place?
(A) On the phone
(B) At a restaurant
(C) In the office
(D) At home


Now begin work on the questions.
(narrator)         : Questions 39 through 42. Listen to the talk about televisions.
(woman)          : A great majority of American households have two or more televisions. According to A.C. Nielsen Company, which monitors television viewership, at least one of these televisions was on in each household for 7 hours and 37 minutes per day during the 1998-1999 television season.

That’s an hour and 18 minutes more than in 1971, when the average was just over 6 hours
and 19 minutes, but 3 minutes less than in 1997-1998. Average daily viewing per person is still much higher than the 1970s levels, but down slightly from the year before. Women over the age of 18 watched longest: they averaged 4 hours and 5 minutes per day, while men over watched for 4 hours and 16 minutes. Children aged 12-17 watched an average of 2 hours and
54 minutes.

39. (narrator) : According to the text, who watches the most television?
(A) Men
(B) Women
(C) Kids
(D) Parents

40. (narrator) : How long did the men watch TV in a day?
(A) an hour and 18 minutes
(B) 4 hours and 5 minutes
(C) 4 hours and 16 minutes
(D) 2 hours and 54 minutes

41. (narrator) : How long did the children watch TV a day?
(A) an hour and 18 minutes
(B) 4 hours and 5 minutes
(C) 4 hours and 16 minutes
(D) 2 hours and 54 minutes

42. (narrator) : What is the meaning of ‘slightly’?
(A) wildly
(B) mildly
(C) hardly
(D) trully

(narrator)         : Questions 43 through 46. Listen to the talk about the influence of the media.
(man)               : The media has become one of society’s most important agents of socialization. Television, radio, newpapers, the internet, and other forms of media have a strong effect on the way we think and act. However, there is disagreement about exactly what the effect is. For example, access to television allows us to be better informed and gives us an increased understanding of the world. TV can also be used to entertain us. However, television exposes us to negative images, too. Furthermore, some critics argue that it may make us passive, violent, or too materialistic. Other forms of mass media, such as video games, magazines, and movies, may influence our ideas strongly, too. We do not yet really understand the extent of their impact on society.

43. (narrator) : What is the topic of the talk?
(A) the influence of media.
(B) the bad effects of television.
(C) the advantages of internet.
(D) some critics about internet.

44. (narrator) : According to the text, what is the positive effect of television?
(A) Making society passive
(B) Entertaining society
(C) Changing the society into being materialistic
(D) Exposing society to violence

45. (narrator) : What is the negative effect of television?
(A) Giving more information
(B) Giving increased understanding of the world
(C) Making people violent
(D) Entertaining people

46. (narrator) : What is the meaning of ‘violent’?
(A) aggresive
(B) progressive
(C) persuasive
(D) abrasive

(narrator)         : Questions 47 through 50. Listen to the talk about gender issues.
(woman)          : During the twentieth century, the feminist movement became more active. Women made a great deal of progress towards gaining equal opportunities in education. More and more women also entered the workforce. Both girls and boys were encouraged to choose careers they wanted and didn’t feel that they had to choose careers that were traditional for their gender. At home, husbands and wives began to share household chores and caring for children.

These changes in gender roles have helped women make progress toward gaining equal rights. In many areas of life. However, sociologists agree that the problem of gender inequality is still a serious issue facing society today.
47. (narrator) : What is the topic of the talk?
(A) Women’s health
(B) Men’s lives
(C) Gender issues
(D) Careers based on sex

48. (narrator) : How was the feminist movement during twentieth century?
(A) Passive
(B) Active
(C) No change
(D) Handicapped

49. (narrator) : What is the influence of changes in gender roles to women?
(A) Women want to make progress towards gaining equal rights
(B) Women want to be in a higher position than men
(C) Women want the opportunity to get what they want
(D) Women want to defeat men

50. (narrator) : What do sociologists believe about gender inequality today?
(A) It is a uncommon issue.
(B) It is an interesting problem.
(C) It is not a big deal.
(D) It is a serious issue


31. C
32. A
33. D
34. B
35. A
36. B
37. C
38. C
39. B
40. C
41. D
42. B
43. A
44. B
45. C
46. A
47. C
48. B
49. A
50. D

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