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Tugas M1 LA1 Personal Letter

Now, you will compare the Social Functions of the four personal letters.
Regarding the contexts, the receivers, the purposes by answering the following questions.

It is a personal and informal letter for a close friend
It is a personal and informal letter for someone new
It is a personal and informal letter for replying a letter from someone new
A close Friend
A new contact
A new friend
To share the last news about her mom’s health
To make a friend to help improving the addressee English skill
To introduce the writer identity.

In this task, you are going to analyse the letter structure by the senders and receivers.
1. What personal relation do each sender of the letter to the addressees? Provide evidence from the letters!
2. What is the tone of each letter? Provide evidences from the letters.

1.                                        Based on the letter 1, the sender and the addressee are old friends.  It can be seen that Aleena as the sender of the letter said “It has been a very long time since we met or wrote to each other. So, they used to meet each other before.
                                   According to Letter 2 and 3 which has the correlation, it can be implied that they, sender and the addressee, have never met each other before. Letter 2 told that the sender sent this letter to his friend’s friend. The sender of this letter wanted to improve his English while the addressee (who is the sender of Letter 3) wants to practice English. One thing to make sure that they have never met each other is that the sender of Letter 2 asks the addressee to introduce himself and the addressee replied it in Letter 3.
2.                                        The tone of the letter is informal but The letter 1 is more friendly than the other letter. It can be seen from the word choice of the letters. The letters use the word ‘dear’ and ‘hello’ for the opening and the closing of the letter 3, the sender said “Anyway, I must go and get on with my work! “ it tells us that the style of language is not formal. In Letter 1 also tells us that the sender uses word ‘take care’ and ‘love’.

Fill in the table by referring to the previous letter in task 1
            In this task, you are going to analyze the letter structure by the senders and receivers. Fill in the table by referring to the previous letter in task 1.

Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Date of Writing
April 17, 2018
It’s not written
It’s not written
Greetings form
Dear (Informal/Friendly)
Hello (Informal/Friendly)
Hello (Informal/Friendly)
Main content
The sender shares her bad experience to an old friend
The sender wants to start friendship with someone new
The sender replies a letter from a new friend
Personal news
The sender’s mother is sick and it disturbs her days
The sender’s friend told him to that the addressee wants to practice English so the sender gives a good response to make a friend with the addressee
She introduces herself
Complementary close/Sign off
Best wishes
Now, report the similarities and differences of the four letters by filling out the table below.

Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Social function
To exchange news about the sender’s last vocation and her mother’s condition
To make a relationship with a new friend
To exchange information to a new friend.
Text structures
·      Date
·      Salutation and name
·      Introduction
·      Body
·      Closing (to indicate the letter is going to end; Give my love to your mom and dad and loads of love to you too)
·      Complimentary close (short expression; love)
·      Signature (name of the writer; Aleena)
·         Salutation
·         Introduction
·         Body
·         Complimentary close (short expression; thanks)
·         Salutation and name
·         Introduction
·         Body
·         Closing (to indicate the letter is going to end; anyway I must go and get on with my work!)
·         Complimentary close (short expression; best wishes)
·         Signature (name of the writer; Ivo)
Lexico-gram matical Feature
·      simple present tense
·      simple past tense to tell the past experience
·         simple present tense
·         simple present tense
Social function
to exchange information to someone already known
To inform that the sender wants to make a friend with someone new.
To reply the letter from a new friend.
Text structures
There is a date
There is no date, name of addressee, closure, nor signature
There is no date

Now, you will learn how to construct a personal letter. To begin with, rearrange the structure of a personal letter here into a good order!
1.      Brisbane, June 5th 2018
2.      Dearest John and Jane,
3.      I hope this letter finds you well .Im just writing to thank you both for the holiday and for the photos you sent. The photos arrived this morning in the post. They reminded me what a great time I had during my stay with you last month. You really were fantastic hosts, and I couldn’t have asked for better guides to show me around
4.      Sorry I didn’t write to you earlier, but Ive been working flat out since the moment I arrived home. Do you remember I told you I had an assignment to finish? Well, the deadline was two weeks earlier than I thought It was!
5.      Anyway, Im back to normal now and Ive handed in all of my assignments. In fact, now that Im free ,why dont you both come and stay? Theres a spare room here ,so youre welcome to use it whenever you like.
6.      Hope to see you soon,
7.      Peter

            In this task, you will learn more about how you exchange Rearrange the multiply email here into a correct order.

It can be seen that the correct order of the multiply email is : F – B – D – E – A – C

13 komentar untuk "Tugas M1 LA1 Personal Letter"

  1. Terimakasih, sangat membantu. bisa tolong dikirimkan filenya kak. dianhardiana10@gmail.com

  2. Terimakasih banyak, sangat membantu dalam memberi gambaran teks personal letter, ditunggu postingan selanjutnya, sukses selalu

  3. Terima Kasih, bisa di ATMin ... Amati Tiru Modifikasi :) sukses selalu

  4. Terimakasih,membantu sekali tugas kami. Sukses selalu. Di tunggu file yg lain 👍

  5. Alhamdulillah,bisa dikirim file nya pa

  6. Terimakasih Pak, ini sangat membantu saya menyelesaikan tugas modul profesional.


  8. Thank you, is there any finihed tasks for modul 1

  9. thanks, it gives me a room to take a rest

  10. Terima kasih, sangat membantu skali dlam menyelesaikan tugas modul profesional

  11. Tolong dikirm ke email sy min
