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Human Resources Development

Human Resources and the Purposive School System

This the book describes the administration of personnel in educational institutions by providing a broad overview of the key issues to provide insights to the objectives, policies, plans, procedures and personnel administration function especially personnel in educational organizations. This is done by
• Pay attention to the relationship between human resources and the achievement of the purpose of the system
• Emphasizing the nature of the education system which aims
• Defining the nature and characteristics of the personnel function
• Emphasizing the importance of modern organizational theory for personnel administration
• Identify contemporize style, factors, and conditions continue to modify the personnel administration function.
• Describe the function framework of personnel, sub-processes are put into function, and their relationship with other administrative functions.

Goals must be defined, policies are set, the program developed, employees hired, the facility purchased, earned income, and a number of coordinated operation which separated is a problem that must be considered in order to achieve the goal of education is done by people-professional educators, non-educational personnel, librarians, physicians, psychiatrists, lawyers, business managers and the general public.
The success is also influenced by the quality of the personnel who perform the task in achieving the goals, as well as the conditions that affect their physical and mental wellbeing. This assumption also applies to the school system. The extent to which public education succeed in providing the services will largely depend on the quality of the personnel involved in the educational process. School planning is very important, as the organization's objectives. financing, the program was designed, and leadership. But the most important element in the educational process is a person who is charged with the task to bring the desired change in children and adolescents
A school system is one of the institutions most important social aims. Although there is a contrast to the viewpoint of the role of the school as a social institution, a statement George S. Counts stated the purpose of education in The United States is the purpose of education in a democratic consensus.
1. Education for individual excellence
2. Education for society equals
3. Education for the government of free men
4. Education for economic security and more
5. Education for the beauty and grandeur of civilization
6. Education for lasting civilization
7. Education for the world community
Personnel are the people who have the ability, motivation, and creativity to allow the system to overcome its own weaknesses, adjusting education programs on an ongoing basis to the needs of individuals who live and compete in a dynamic society, providing leadership that make up the system of human organization, create the conditions and climate is conducive to the maximum growth in facultative, as well as affecting the normal personnel to appear in the form of outstanding model.
The focus of the leadership of the main problems that affect learning outcomes of children and adolescents include the communication gap, the rewards are not effective, supervision is inadequate, compensation is not fair, the position of security, lack of authority, flexibility careers, personnel were worn out, the effort of recruitment and selection unproductive, unsatisfactory position, tardiness and absenteeism, disparities in employment and promotion, and developing negative consequences that clients often associate school with a collective bargaining in the public sector.
The importance of the relationship between organizational goals and functions of personnel is that the purpose of the organization directing the personnel function by considering the points raised as follows
1. create unified organizational objectives, systems and sub-goals are mutually reinforcing individuals that will affect almost all kinds of plans relating to the membership system, of the quantity and quality of personnel for recruitment, selection, induction, appraisal, development, motivation, and compensation for they retired. As well as providing a framework for revealing the coordination
2. Failure to achieve individual goals affect the achievement of the units and the destination system by the establishment, therefore, a clear objective of providing meaning to individual activities and unity.
3. The aim is to lead the independent behavior which includes personnel policies, procedures, rules, methods, and strategies that will increase the effectiveness of previous and compatible organizations.
Therefore, an important goal on the personnel functions because they affect almost every system of human resource planning at every level and for every point in the organization's future.
The purpose of the function of the personnel in the education system to attract, develop, retain and motivate the personnel to achieve the purpose of the system, helping to achieve a position of individual members and unit standard performance, maximize career development personnel, and to reconcile individual and organizational goals
One of the main tasks of the personnel administration are to understand the human response to system process designed to achieve organizational goals. It is then possible to modify the process when it is clear that there is compatibility between the objectives and the human reaction to the mechanism of their achievement.
Acceptance of goals, commitments, and internalization is the behavioral aspects involved and the importance of the results of the process of goal setting. If the purpose of the system is known and people have the opportunity to participate in achieving these goals through activities that contribute to self-actualization, the achievement of both the system and individual objectives will be improved.
According to Scott and Mitchell, modern organization theory states system as the starting point analysis that takes into account the strategic part of the system, the nature of interdependence, the main process, adjusting to each other, as well as the objectives sought by the system.
The base of the organization includes individuals, organizations, formal, informal organization, leadership style, and physical setting. The parts of the system integrated by three processes are, such as communication, balance, and decision making.
Humans are one of the basic elements of the school system, and because of they're the behavior will affect the effectiveness, the relationship between the individual and the system. The concept of the system that is relevant to the functions of personnel is, a school system is a human organization in which social services performed.
Administration of education is a social process that occurs within the context of a social system because administration is hierarchical relationships that allocate and integrate the role of the facility in order to achieve a predetermined goal.
1. The social system includes conceptual and interactive free.
2. Components include subsystems of social organization structure maintenance, detailed in its formal role patterns, as well as clear authority structure and ideology
3. Each individual strives to achieve satisfactory results in the works.
4. Function personnel can be understood as the major subsystems school system as a whole.
5. The way in which the system was designed and implemented can affect the desires of the system to work together.
6. The importance of the person responsible for personnel functions can not ignore the interdependence in the system.
It can be concluded that any attempt to design the function of the personnel in the school system should be based on an understanding of human behavior with the system. Theory can help to organize and integrate knowledge about the variables that influence the behavior and performance within the organization, to focus on the variables that interact with one another, and to present the possibility of applying the theory for personnel administration.
One of the main roles of those involved in the management functions of personnel is to (1) understand social change and its impact on organizational environment, particularly the relationship between the change and the behavior of personnel and (2) utilizing the administrative processes and sub-processes in a way that will achieve the desired results such organizational effectiveness, efficiency, stability, and survival.
Some additional conclusions that can be made of the relationship include the following
1. The economic, social, political and moral bring evolutionary change in modern services, economics, religion, protection, government, and social organizations.
2. Factors external organizational changes affecting working conditions and individual performance.
3. The task of educational administration continuously school system is to adapt to social change through the effective utilization of the administrative process.
4. sub administration process includes the functions of personnel is the key to adapt the behavior of organizations and individuals so that the expected results of the efficiency, effectiveness, stability and survival were served.
Although the fact that the organization of schools have little control over social change, the quantity and quality of their clients, or the environment that determines the nature of education plans, important developments have taken place in terms of knowledge, experience, equipment, and facilities that can be applied to improve the governance of educational institutions ,
To enable the system cope with the acceleration of the changes resulting from the development of the twentieth century, leaders of educational institutions must direct the personnel functions of that office concept work with a major component in the structure of the system is responsible for
- Establishing institutional values ​​and commitments regarding human resources
1.    Develop administrative and technical rationality in the system to make use of the most effective and satisfying of human resources
2.    Acting with a system of conscience in matters relating to the working conditions of its membership
3.    Establishment plan that enhances the desired pattern of behavior of the membership and inhibit unwanted patterns
4.    Securing power systems administration's commitment to accept and apply to the organizational structure personnel down.
5.    Develop an effective plan to deal with the conditions created by social change
6.    Utilizing new concepts and models of behavioral sciences in improving the effectiveness of the personnel function and quality of work.
Function personnel includes eleven sub-processes, namely Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Inauguration, Assessment, Development, Compensation, Collective Bargaining, Security, Continuity, and Information which interact with each other because of these interactions is essential to for the welfare of this system and because they take into account various personnel issues, the need to analyze and understand them clearly visible.

Summary of modern school system is an organization that aims whose members seek joint efforts to achieve the goals set. The school system consists of people, and people will decide whether the system is successful or stagnates, serving clients effectively or spend limited resources without purpose. Finding the right people, helping them to develop, to see that they are properly compensated, valued, informed and motivated are some of the main concerns of the personnel function. A school system can be understood as a series of interdependent parts, including formal organizations, informal organizations, people, status and role of the expected pattern, and the physical environment in which to interact with other elements. Among the focus of this function is the integration of the individual into the organization, increase job satisfaction, and minimization of forces, factors, and conditions are not conducive to organizational health.

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