Brief Overview of Education in the Khilafah State
Principle of Education
The Khilafah state has an education system as the standard operational procedure in carrying out its education system. Due to the ideology used by the Khilafah state is Islam, the system of education is based on the Islamic creed because Allah has ordered human to enter Islam completely and thoroughly then all aspects of life are required to punish Islamic law.
Yusanto (2014: 12) said that the principle of education in the concept of education of the Khilafah State is aqidah Islam. This principle is influential in the preparation of educational curricula, teaching-learning system, teacher qualification, developed culture and interaction among all components of education providers.
Educational Objectives
Image result for khilafah education According to An Nabhani (2007: 189) that the main goal of education in the Khilafah State is is to form the Islamic personality as well as providing them with various knowledge and knowledge related to life.
Yasin (2012: 12) that the ultimate goal of education in the Khilafah State is to build an Islamic personality, mindset and spirit for the ummah and prepare the children of the Muslims to become scholars who are experts in every aspect of life, both Islamic science (ijtidah , fiqh, judicial and others) and applied sciences (engineering, chemistry, physics, medicine and others).
Thus, the ultimate goal of education in the Khilafah State is none other than to form a man of noble character and highly knowledgeable knowledge and realize that man will return to Allah SWT with the calculation and retaliation of whatever he has done in this world that rely on the provisions of the provisions Allah SWT which aims to benefit the people of both the world and the hereafter.
Education curriculum
In Islam, the curriculum of education should be based on the Islamic Aqeedah although not all the subject matter must be related to the Islamic creed and this will be translated through the material of the teachings are divided into two kinds, namely
1. Science Science (Ilmiyah) such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics and other applied sciences which of course is not directly related to the formation of personality. The third charge is given in stages in accordance with the development of the child's abilities. In higher education, teaching science is more focused. The content of this material is more supportive to prepare students for independence, including:
a. Mathematics
b. IPA (Physics, Biology and Chemistry)
c. Language (English, Indonesian and Arab States)
d. physical education
e. Crafts and Arts
f. Advanced applied sciences (Accounting, computers, and others).
2. Sciences of Syara 'Law (syar'iah) namely the provisions relating to the mandatory, mandub, mubah, makruh, and haram laws that form the Islamic mindset which consists of:
a. The formation of Syakhsiyyah Islamiyyah
Shakhshiyyah Islamiyyah formation should be done at all levels of education in accordance with the proportion through various approaches. One of them is by conveying Islamic tsaqofah to the students / students. Furthermore, it will be given continuously to maintain and simultaneously increase the faith and attachment with Islamic Shari'a. The indicator is that the learner with his conscience carries out all the obligations and is able to avoid all God's prohibitions.
b. Tsaqofah Islam
Tsaqofah Islam is the sciences developed based on Islamic creed, which at the same time become the source of Islamic civilization. According to Yasin (2012: 52) this material tsaqofah Islam is Al Quran al Karim, Aqidah Islamiyyah, Fiqh, Sunnah Prophet, Tafsir, Sirah, Fiqhus Sirah, History of Islam, Thought Da'wah and others.
The above science needs to be learned in order to prepare the students to succeed and independently live their life in this world according to the words of Prophet Muhammad SAW that "Whoever wants the world, he must be knowledgeable; whoever wants the Hereafter, he must have knowledge; and whoever wants both, then he has to have knowledge. "
It also aims for the formation of Islamic Islamiyah and aqliah islamiyah derived from the process of thinking (education) that produces a solid Islamic syaksiyah. It is based on Allah's Word as follows: "Then do they not consider the camel how he was made" (Al Ghasiyah (88): 17)
Even the time share of Islamic and Arabic sciences with general science should be equated. This is intended to create a person of high-knowledge Muslims, skilful thinkers and worshipers, and at the same time creating individuals capable of producing tools and processing products. It is they who are expected to cultivate the natural wealth for mankind and they are expected to be able to realize the progress of science and technology in all aspects of life (al-Bagdadi, 1996: 53).
Methods and Education Media
Broadly speaking, the methods used in Islamic education are based on what has been exemplified in Quran Suyudi (2005: 68 - 79), namely:
1. Understanding Method
a. Use of Intellect (ratio)
b. The Tamtsil and Tasybih Methods
c. Taking Lessons
2. Method of Awareness
a. Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar
b. Giving Mau'i and Advice
c. Giving Rewards and Laws
d. Gradual awareness
e. Lust Control
3. Practice Method ('amaliah)
a. Assignment
b. Exemplary
While the media in the Khilafah State education including madaniyah namely the physical forms of objects that are used in various aspects of life. Madaniyah is divided into two kinds namely madaniyah which is special which is produced from hadlarah. Like a statue, a cross, etc. While madaniyah'am that is the product of science advancement and technological development of madaniyah which is general, belongs to all mankind. This last form of madaniyah does not belong to a particular people, but is universal as well as science and technology (An Nabhani, 2007: 109).
Educational level
The grouping of education should be divided into levels that take into account the age level. It aims to realize the arrangement of human relationships with others in accordance with Islam, which has the law of the Supreme Creator and Supreme Governor, the Rabb of all nature, and is required to always be bound by the law (Yasin, 2012: 33).
in the State of Khilafah the level of education divided by age not from the subject matter. Therefore, if the child has reached the age of 10 years then he is considered to immediately go to school to level II regardless of learning achievement.
On that basis, the school is divided into three levels;
(1) school level I (ibtidaiyah) / even age 7 years-up to 10 years;
(2) secondary school (mutawasithah) / even age 10 years-14 years;
(3) junior high school (tsanawiyah) / even 14 years of age until the end of basic education.
Educator Qualification
Educators need to meet the following qualifications (Yusanto, 2010: 115 - 116):
1. Amanah, which is responsible for the success of the education process.
2. Kafa'ah or have skills (expertise) in the field.
3. Himmah or have a good work ethic and characterized by discipline, responsible, creative, innovative, and obedient to the work contract and task is one character of people who beretos work high.
4. Islamic personality that can instill Islamic personality to students / students.
Abidin, (1998: 67) states that the duties and responsibilities of professional educators are as follows:
1. The educator is the second parent in front of the student
In the hadith it is stated: Verily I am to you like a father to his son (Abu Dawn, Nasai, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, from Abu Hurairah). This Hadith requires an educator, so as not only to present the lesson but also to play the role of the parent.
2. Educator as the heir of the knowledge of the prophet
A teacher who teaches science, both the science of the world and the knowledge of the hereafter, should lead to his disciple's goal of achieving a happy life of the world akherat.
3. Educator as a guide and disciple of religious disciples
Based on sincerity and affection, the next educator acts as a guide for students in studying and studying knowledge in various disciplines.
4. Educator as a central figure for students
Educators to always be the role model and the center of attention for students. He must have a high charisma. This is an important factor for an educator to bring the student in the desired direction.
5. Educators as motivators for students
In accordance with his view of humans, that human beings are incapable of constricting, degrading, or undermining other fields of study to the pupils. Instead, he must give students the opportunity to study various sciences.
6. The educator as a student understands the intellectual development level of the pupil
Al - Ghazali reminded that teachers can convey science in the learning process - teaching according to the level of student understanding. For that, besides proficient teachers must also be able to use the right method.
7. Educators as role models for students
In order to bring human beings into humanity, the Messenger of Allah in his personality is a good example. Prophet Muhammad SAW is a very real example for an educator. He is a great educator and able to give birth to powerful cadres as educators, scholars and leaders.
Education Financing
The Khilafah must guarantee every citizen to fulfill his basic needs easily. In the context of education, guarantees of the fulfillment of educational needs for all citizens can be realized by providing free education for the people.
The formal education system organized by the Khilafah State obtains the full source of financing from the State (Baitul Mal). There are 2 (two) sources of income: (1) fa'i and kharaj posts belonging to the state - such as ghanimah, khumus (one fifth of spoils), jizyah and dhariibah (taxes); (2) general ownership posts such as oil and gas, forest, marine and hima (public property whose use has been specified). The income from zakat post can not be used for educational funding, because zakat has its own allocation, that is eight groups of mustahik zakat (QS: 9: 60).
The cost of education from the Baitul Mal was largely spent on 2 (two) interests. First: to pay the salaries of all parties related to educational services such as teachers, lecturers, employees, and others. Second; to finance all kinds of educational facilities and infrastructure, such as school buildings, dormitories, libraries, handbooks, and so forth. (An-Nabhani, 1990).
States may not use foreign countries 'loans and international financial institutions for education financing, it is not permitted by syara law'. Because such loans are always associated with usury and certain conditions. Riba is forbidden by the law of syara ', either derived from a person or from a country. Thus the Caliph should not use foreign debt as a revenue item to cover the budget, including in the financing of education. (EY)
The Khilafah state has an education system as the standard operational procedure in carrying out its education system. Due to the ideology used by the Khilafah state is Islam, the system of education is based on the Islamic creed because Allah has ordered human to enter Islam completely and thoroughly then all aspects of life are required to punish Islamic law.
Yusanto (2014: 12) said that the principle of education in the concept of education of the Khilafah State is aqidah Islam. This principle is influential in the preparation of educational curricula, teaching-learning system, teacher qualification, developed culture and interaction among all components of education providers.
Educational Objectives
Image result for khilafah education According to An Nabhani (2007: 189) that the main goal of education in the Khilafah State is is to form the Islamic personality as well as providing them with various knowledge and knowledge related to life.
Yasin (2012: 12) that the ultimate goal of education in the Khilafah State is to build an Islamic personality, mindset and spirit for the ummah and prepare the children of the Muslims to become scholars who are experts in every aspect of life, both Islamic science (ijtidah , fiqh, judicial and others) and applied sciences (engineering, chemistry, physics, medicine and others).
Thus, the ultimate goal of education in the Khilafah State is none other than to form a man of noble character and highly knowledgeable knowledge and realize that man will return to Allah SWT with the calculation and retaliation of whatever he has done in this world that rely on the provisions of the provisions Allah SWT which aims to benefit the people of both the world and the hereafter.
Education curriculum
In Islam, the curriculum of education should be based on the Islamic Aqeedah although not all the subject matter must be related to the Islamic creed and this will be translated through the material of the teachings are divided into two kinds, namely
1. Science Science (Ilmiyah) such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics and other applied sciences which of course is not directly related to the formation of personality. The third charge is given in stages in accordance with the development of the child's abilities. In higher education, teaching science is more focused. The content of this material is more supportive to prepare students for independence, including:
a. Mathematics
b. IPA (Physics, Biology and Chemistry)
c. Language (English, Indonesian and Arab States)
d. physical education
e. Crafts and Arts
f. Advanced applied sciences (Accounting, computers, and others).
2. Sciences of Syara 'Law (syar'iah) namely the provisions relating to the mandatory, mandub, mubah, makruh, and haram laws that form the Islamic mindset which consists of:
a. The formation of Syakhsiyyah Islamiyyah
Shakhshiyyah Islamiyyah formation should be done at all levels of education in accordance with the proportion through various approaches. One of them is by conveying Islamic tsaqofah to the students / students. Furthermore, it will be given continuously to maintain and simultaneously increase the faith and attachment with Islamic Shari'a. The indicator is that the learner with his conscience carries out all the obligations and is able to avoid all God's prohibitions.
b. Tsaqofah Islam
Tsaqofah Islam is the sciences developed based on Islamic creed, which at the same time become the source of Islamic civilization. According to Yasin (2012: 52) this material tsaqofah Islam is Al Quran al Karim, Aqidah Islamiyyah, Fiqh, Sunnah Prophet, Tafsir, Sirah, Fiqhus Sirah, History of Islam, Thought Da'wah and others.
The above science needs to be learned in order to prepare the students to succeed and independently live their life in this world according to the words of Prophet Muhammad SAW that "Whoever wants the world, he must be knowledgeable; whoever wants the Hereafter, he must have knowledge; and whoever wants both, then he has to have knowledge. "
It also aims for the formation of Islamic Islamiyah and aqliah islamiyah derived from the process of thinking (education) that produces a solid Islamic syaksiyah. It is based on Allah's Word as follows: "Then do they not consider the camel how he was made" (Al Ghasiyah (88): 17)
Even the time share of Islamic and Arabic sciences with general science should be equated. This is intended to create a person of high-knowledge Muslims, skilful thinkers and worshipers, and at the same time creating individuals capable of producing tools and processing products. It is they who are expected to cultivate the natural wealth for mankind and they are expected to be able to realize the progress of science and technology in all aspects of life (al-Bagdadi, 1996: 53).
Methods and Education Media
Broadly speaking, the methods used in Islamic education are based on what has been exemplified in Quran Suyudi (2005: 68 - 79), namely:
1. Understanding Method
a. Use of Intellect (ratio)
b. The Tamtsil and Tasybih Methods
c. Taking Lessons
2. Method of Awareness
a. Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar
b. Giving Mau'i and Advice
c. Giving Rewards and Laws
d. Gradual awareness
e. Lust Control
3. Practice Method ('amaliah)
a. Assignment
b. Exemplary
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Educational level
The grouping of education should be divided into levels that take into account the age level. It aims to realize the arrangement of human relationships with others in accordance with Islam, which has the law of the Supreme Creator and Supreme Governor, the Rabb of all nature, and is required to always be bound by the law (Yasin, 2012: 33).
in the State of Khilafah the level of education divided by age not from the subject matter. Therefore, if the child has reached the age of 10 years then he is considered to immediately go to school to level II regardless of learning achievement.
On that basis, the school is divided into three levels;
(1) school level I (ibtidaiyah) / even age 7 years-up to 10 years;
(2) secondary school (mutawasithah) / even age 10 years-14 years;
(3) junior high school (tsanawiyah) / even 14 years of age until the end of basic education.
Educator Qualification
Educators need to meet the following qualifications (Yusanto, 2010: 115 - 116):
1. Amanah, which is responsible for the success of the education process.
2. Kafa'ah or have skills (expertise) in the field.
3. Himmah or have a good work ethic and characterized by discipline, responsible, creative, innovative, and obedient to the work contract and task is one character of people who beretos work high.
4. Islamic personality that can instill Islamic personality to students / students.
Abidin, (1998: 67) states that the duties and responsibilities of professional educators are as follows:
1. The educator is the second parent in front of the student
In the hadith it is stated: Verily I am to you like a father to his son (Abu Dawn, Nasai, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, from Abu Hurairah). This Hadith requires an educator, so as not only to present the lesson but also to play the role of the parent.
2. Educator as the heir of the knowledge of the prophet
A teacher who teaches science, both the science of the world and the knowledge of the hereafter, should lead to his disciple's goal of achieving a happy life of the world akherat.
3. Educator as a guide and disciple of religious disciples
Based on sincerity and affection, the next educator acts as a guide for students in studying and studying knowledge in various disciplines.
4. Educator as a central figure for students
Educators to always be the role model and the center of attention for students. He must have a high charisma. This is an important factor for an educator to bring the student in the desired direction.
5. Educators as motivators for students
In accordance with his view of humans, that human beings are incapable of constricting, degrading, or undermining other fields of study to the pupils. Instead, he must give students the opportunity to study various sciences.
6. The educator as a student understands the intellectual development level of the pupil
Al - Ghazali reminded that teachers can convey science in the learning process - teaching according to the level of student understanding. For that, besides proficient teachers must also be able to use the right method.
7. Educators as role models for students
In order to bring human beings into humanity, the Messenger of Allah in his personality is a good example. Prophet Muhammad SAW is a very real example for an educator. He is a great educator and able to give birth to powerful cadres as educators, scholars and leaders.
Education Financing
The Khilafah must guarantee every citizen to fulfill his basic needs easily. In the context of education, guarantees of the fulfillment of educational needs for all citizens can be realized by providing free education for the people.
The formal education system organized by the Khilafah State obtains the full source of financing from the State (Baitul Mal). There are 2 (two) sources of income: (1) fa'i and kharaj posts belonging to the state - such as ghanimah, khumus (one fifth of spoils), jizyah and dhariibah (taxes); (2) general ownership posts such as oil and gas, forest, marine and hima (public property whose use has been specified). The income from zakat post can not be used for educational funding, because zakat has its own allocation, that is eight groups of mustahik zakat (QS: 9: 60).
The cost of education from the Baitul Mal was largely spent on 2 (two) interests. First: to pay the salaries of all parties related to educational services such as teachers, lecturers, employees, and others. Second; to finance all kinds of educational facilities and infrastructure, such as school buildings, dormitories, libraries, handbooks, and so forth. (An-Nabhani, 1990).
States may not use foreign countries 'loans and international financial institutions for education financing, it is not permitted by syara law'. Because such loans are always associated with usury and certain conditions. Riba is forbidden by the law of syara ', either derived from a person or from a country. Thus the Caliph should not use foreign debt as a revenue item to cover the budget, including in the financing of education. (EY)
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