Tugas Analisis KB 1 Modul 1
1. Analisis singkat tentang implikasinya terhadap proses pembelajaran pada masing-masing lembaga sekolah Anda.
2. Analisis tentang konsekuensi perkembangan pembelajaran baru abad 21 tersebut bagi profesi Anda sebagai guru menghadapi tantangan pembelajaran era digital yang berangkat dari situasi dan kondisi riil pada lembaga sekolah Anda
3. Analisis ringkas tentang karakteristik siswa abad 21 yang berangkat dari kondisi riil yang Anda hadapi sehari pada sekolah Anda.
1. A brief analysis of the implications of the learning process at each of your school institutions.
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The technological advances that are happening now coupled with the current 2013 curriculum changes certainly have an impact on our schools. In addition, in towards the Model school, our school is also actively involved in improving the existing facilities. Therefore, our school is specifically budgeted for the procurement of current technology such as Computer Lab, Internet, and other Learning Media Equipment such as Infocus and so on.
One example of the impact of technological advances in schools is the implementation of UNBK in 2017. At that time, our school did not have a good Computer Lab and did not have experts in the computer lab. This forced the school / institution to hasten to establish a computer and energy so that the implementation of UNBK 2017 can be implemented.
In addition, institutions / schools are always working to motivate teachers in the use of technology while teaching in the classroom. This is because to provide a good learning experience for our students students.
Thus, the implications of 21st century technology development on the learning process have made schools for
1. Held technology tools to support the KBM process
2. Provide training or training for teachers in technology utilization
3. Appoint a special supervisor on the use of technology in learning to monitor the learning that is implemented by the teacher in the classroom.
Gunakan metode ATM (Amati, Tiru, Modifikasi)
2. Analysis of the consequences of the new 21st century learning development for your profession as a teacher faces the challenges of learning the digital age that departs from the real situation and condition of your school institution
As I have described above, the consequence experienced by teachers is to make the teacher literate on technology facilitated by the school. Teachers are asked to respond quickly with current technological advances. This, however, becomes an obstacle for older generations of teachers in our institution to be less tech-savvy. This makes them difficult to compete with new teacher teachers in terms of mastery of technology in learning. If the teacher is not able to keep up with technological developments then it is possible that the teacher will experience kegagalam in preparing the learning in accordance with the characteristics of 21st century students. However, if the teacher is ready, then the learning in the 21st century will be applied so that the teacher deserves to be said as a teacher professionals who have:
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- Tugas Hasil Analisis Karateristik Guru dan Siswa di dalam Video Information Technology in Education.
- Tes Sumatif Peran Guru dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21
- Tes Formatif KB 3 Peran Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21
- Tes Formatif KB 2 Peran Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21
a. Have a high morale and work ethic with the quality of faith and piety that is steady.
b. Able to utilize science and technology according to the demands of the surrounding social and cultural environment.
c. High professional behavior in carrying out duties and running the profession.
d. Has a broad foresight and is not petty in looking at various problems.
e. Have a moral example and a high aesthetic sense.
f. Developing working and competing principles.
3. A concise analysis of the characteristics of the 21st century students departing from the real conditions that you face a day at your school.
Currently, I teach in SMA based Pesantren. In this environment, access to technology has different regulations in general. In this school environment, students / students are not allowed to use smartphones while the use of laptops and internet access is provided with some notes. In addition, students in this school mostly come from areas that do not have internet access and limited in the use of technology so many santri also have difficulty in using the latest technology.
This condition makes most santri very enthusiastic when introduced the latest technology, such as the use of infocus in the classroom, internet and computer / laptop. However, the current problem, the curiosity of students is only limited to access social media and entertainment, and very minimal desire to access the learning resources of these technologies.
For example, when a teacher uses infocus in teaching, the santri mind is generally distracted to ask the teacher to provide entertainment such as listening to songs, watching entertainment / movies / motivation etc. This of course disturbs the focus of teachers to teach well. Possibly, the feelings / desires that these santri have because they are limited in accessing outside information, such as watching TV etc.
Apart from that, actually santri will be very eager in learning when media information technology is used by involving real facts, video, and audio.
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