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Final Assignment M2 Label Notice PPGDALJAB English

Final Assignment M2

  1. Choose one of your classmates you think he/He is the best for you. Then, describe him or his in terms of his/his physical and mental appearances.

I am lucky to have a good friend named Hiza. He is my neighbor and co-worker at the office. We've been friends since 5 years ago. We knew each other when we were in the mosque to attend the halaqah.

Hiza is not too tall, nor short. He has white (skin) nor brownish. Hiza is not fat, nor skinny. Even he has a broad shoulder, sixpack stomache. His hair is not thickly curly, nor straight-lined. his hair is thick to the earlobes. His cheeks are not protruding, and his eyebrows are not tacked. I have never seen a more handsome man than he is. He has thick palms and feet. When walking, he walked upright like a man on a descending path. And something I love about him is that he always lengthens his beard and tidies his mustache. He is always clean on his face.

Hiza is a friendly person to anyone. He will not hesitate to smile and greet everyone. He is easily familiar with others. I am very comfortable with him. He always helps me when I need his help. He doesnot hesitate to admonish and advise me when I am going to or am making a mistake. He thinks that life must be in accordance with the rules of Islam so that salvation can be obtained. We have the same interest. We love to play futsal every weekend with other friends. In addition, we always review the Quran together. He is not rigid with the development of the current era while it is still in accordance with the rules of Islam and thats why I do not want to release the grip of his hand during my life. Because I know it so difficult to have a good friend like him and we are bounded because of Islam.
  1. Establish a historical recount plan of the school you are teaching at the moment. Describe the developments of the school from the beginning it is built to the present time. To this end, you can interview people who you think they know the history of the school or look at the school documents or artifacts for the data you need in the writing, such as certificates of achievements, photographs, trophies, etc.
SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau
SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau is a pesantren-based private school located in the town of Lubuklinggau. The school stood in the middle of the complex of Pesantren Modern Ar-Risalah in 2001. Although it is located in the middle of the pesantren, this school uses the name of SMA, automatically under the guidance of the Ministry of National Education. In the implementation of this secondary school combines three educations namely, education of the Qur'an, diniyah education, and general education. All students are required to stay in dormitories, so they are more controlled in morals, mental, scientific, skills and ubudiyah every day.
First, SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau which stands under the auspices of Lubuklinggau Education Foundation Ar-Risalah has facilities that were not very supportive for the learning process. However, with the struggle of teachers and principals as well as support from the foundation, the facility can gradually be realized well. At the beginning of 2009, SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau able to build a library building equipped with books that support books to learn. Furthermore, about 2 years after that, SMA Ar-Risalah again improved its facilities by adding 1 story building for 4 classes. In addition, Dormitory and its supporting facilities was  continued to take good improvement during 2010 to 2015.
Physical development had increased rapidly from year to year, as well as improvement of supporting facilities such as laboratories. In 2015, Ar-Risalah High School completed the IPS Laboratory with various sophisticated tools to support the learning process. 2 years later, Ar-Risalah High School in cooperation with the government held a support facility that is Computer Labor that had excellent multimedia specifications that can be utilized by teachers in implementing the learning process.
This is the effort of SMA Ar-Risalah to provide maximum educational services. SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau is a continuation of Ar-Risalah Junior High School located in the complex of Pesantren Modern Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau. Standing and development of SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau can not be separated from the figure of its founder is KH. Dr. (hc) Syaiful Hadi Maafi, BA who has a sincere intention to manifest knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and able to develop the potential of young Muslims to become a highly educated by holding fast to aqidah sunna wal jamah experts based on al-Qur 'an, Hadith, ijma and qiyas.
During 17 years, SMA Ar-Risalah Lubuklinggau had passed thousands of almuni who have spread in various directions. About 5 years ago, Ar-Risalah High School in cooperation with Al Ahghaf University of Yemen in the admission of prospective students. Currently, about a dozen high school alumnus Ar-Risalah are studying in Yemen. In addition to Yemen, many alumni of Ar-Minis High School have received education to state universities through SNMPTN, SPAN PTKIN, SBMPTN, and others. This is supported by excellence when choosing majors in college, students are free to choose majors because students have competence in the field of general education with curriculum Diknas and religion with curriculum pesantren.

  1. Read the following label carefully and then analyze it in terms of social function, generic structure, and language features.
It is a product label giving information on a particular article or a container of product. The objective of foodstuff labeling is to guarantee that consumers have access to complete information on the content and composition of products, in order to protect their health and their interest. It informs us about the kind of drink named Yoghurt with Strawberry lemonade flavour. Other informations provided by the label are Nutrition facts and the ingredients. It also informs us the amount of the product and the product company. The serving of this product is 1 container.  The apperance is colorful. It’s calories is 170 calories from Fat 15. It is a daily drink.
This label has significant lexicogrammatical features such as :
  • Suggestions                             (Not a significant source of dietary fiber)
  • Singular and plural nouns       (yoghurt, grade, low fat yoghurt)
  • Numbers                                  (170 g,  1 Container)

  1. Go around your city or place and find out some kinds of warnings, notices, and cautions. Take picture of them and then explain what the messages are beyond them.

It warns us to be carefull while walking because of wet floor
It prohibites someone to drive fast and carelessly due to many children are playing around there.
It warns people not to smoke, take picture, light a fire, and make a call in the gas station.

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