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Assignment 1 M6 LA1

1.      Find two written report texts on jobs and analyze the differences and similarities between them. You can use table in Task 3 to help you with the analysis.
            Order up! Today's special is a great job! Chefs, also known as head cooks, are in charge of kitchens, overseeing the preparation and cooking of food at restaurants, diners, and other operations where somebody can get a bite to eat. Chefs make sure that the kitchen is a well-oiled machine, managing the kitchen staff to make sure food prepared quickly and as delicious as possible, as well as maintaining records, ordering food, and enforcing food safety standards.
            In addition, chefs will hire staff, plan menus, create recipes and make sure that those under him comply to his standards and make sure every plate has that little sprig of parsley on it that nobody eats

            In a well-run restaurant you may never know that a restaurant manager ever exists. Most people never even see one until something goes wrong. Hair in your food? Poor service? Wrong order? Bet you'll be asking for the manager. But they're more than just complaint filters. Restaurant managers are responsible for every aspect of the hiring process for all of their employees including interviewing, hiring and training. When they're not attending to personnel needs, they're also responsible for food service and administrative duties.
            Typically payroll, licensing, food ordering, inspections and all sorts of other paperwork are handled by restaurant managers. These tasks require extensive training and experience, because errors can be extremely expensive. Most restaurants employ a general manager and several assistant managers. Assistant restaurant managers are often responsible for either the "back of the house," which consists of chefs, cooks, dishwashers and other kitchen staff, or for the "front of the house," which includes hosts and hostesses, servers and sometimes bartenders. Assistant manager reports to the general manager and help oversee the day-to-day activities in the restaurant to keep things running smoothly.
What are they
Work with whom/what
person who is in charge of kitchens, overseeing the preparation and cooking of food.
Restaurant, In the Kitchen
1.      Managing the kitchen staff to make sure food prepared quickly and as delicious as possible
2.      maintaining records,
3.      ordering food, and
4.      Enforcing food safety standards.
5.      Hiring staff,
6.      Planning menus,
7.      Creating recipes,

Restaurant Manager, Staff
Restaurant Manager
People who are responsible for interviewing, hiring and training besides payroll, licensing, food ordering, inspections and all sorts of other paperwork
1. Hiring staff and chef
2. Planning
3. Doing inspections
4. Doing all sort of other paperwork
5. Handle the complaint
Chef, Staff.

The two texts have the similarities in social function that is to describe the job in our environment. They also use present simple in a text with a description of each jobs, such as their function and qualities. They also use generic participants those are chef and restaurant manager. The target of readers, I think they will be the same because they are in the same context, restaurant.

The differences of the two texts are, they are different on the functions of the job. The first text describe less information of the job description while the second text describes in details by including the assistant manager description to make the description of restaurant manager more clearly.

2.      Find two video(s) on short report of jobs/professions then compare the features in terms of: their social functions and the way the texts are structured with the written ones.

Video 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU1URNM-X-0)
Receptionists and Information Clerks Job Description
The social function

The target viewers

The place can be found
The point of interest/important
to describe about receptionist and Information Clerks description.

People in general, especially woman who plans to get carrier in the company, hotel etc.

Job Vacancy Announcement, Social Media,

This video can help people know the description and task of this job, and attitude to develop in order to get this job.
The text structure:
Ø  General clasification
It talks about all company needs receptionist
Ø  The Description of the job
Starting with the definition of receptionist
Ø  The part and requirement of job:
Responsible to the customer complaint, order etc
Ø  Qualities
It is needed to master the computer and English language.
Ø  Habit or behavior : explaining the common work place of receptionist.
            Video 2  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66FYAnGl0G0)
The social function

The target viewers

The place can be found

The point of interest/important
to describe about coach and its tasks.

People in general, Sport students, Athletes,

TV channel, Sport News,

the video can help people comprehend the description of coach which has many task to prepare its athletes.
The text structure:
Ø  General clasification
It talks about all sports needs coach.
Ø  The Description of the job :
It starts about description of coach as the leaders and cheerleaders for its team.
Ø  The part (function) of job :
Demonstrating techniques and methods
Evaluating athletes' strengths and weaknesses
Recruiting or to improve the athletes' technique to prepare them for competition.
Ø  Habit or behavior :
Working with teams and inspiring them in competition.
            I think the structures of videos and written texts are similar. They start with general classification, describe the job description in details and ended by the behavior of the job being reported.
            The differences of the videos and written form are how the information is given. The videos can give the real description of the job while the text does not.

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