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Task 1 - 3 M3 LA2 and The Assignment

Task 1
Fill in the story elements of text 1 (“THE MONKEY AND THE TURTLE”) in the following table.
-    Once upon a time
-    Rivers
-    Home
-    Every day on that time,
-    The top of the tree,
-    The palace,
-    All along the street.
-    Punishment day
-   Monkey,
-   Turtle,
-   King,
-   Executioner
-         a monkey and a turtle agreed to go  to the river to pick up the things brought by the flood from the stream.
-         They found a banana trunk drifting along the river.
-         They picked up the banana trunk and then divided into up down half of banana trunk to grow in their fields.
-         The monkey’s upper half stopped growing, while the lower half of the turtle began to bear fruit.
-         Soon the turtle’s bananas were ripe, but the turtle could not climb the banana tree.
-         He sent for the monkey to pick the bananas.
-         When the monkey got to the top of the tree, he ate them greedily.
-         The turtle got no bananas
-         Then the turtle gave a trap for monkey as a punishment
-         The monkeys jumped down on the grassy area shown by the turtle and the monkey died.
-         The turtle carried it on his shoulder as his merchandise.
-         The king met the turtle to buy it.
-         The turtle asked a gong in exchange for the sugar.
-         The king unjustly he decided to sentence the turtle to death.
-         The turtle was laid upon the king’s thighs and the sword surely cut the king’s thighs off and killed him.

-      The flood in the banks river
-      The monkey banana did not grow and the turtle’s grew but the turtle couldn’t pick the fruit.
-      The monkey was greedy and ate all the fruit.
-      The king bought the sugar from turtle and the turtle asked for the gong
-      The king punished the turtle with a death penalty.
-    The monkey and the turtle took the rampe
-    The monkey was sent by turtle to pick the fruit
-    The monkey set the trap to punished the monkey and the monkey died.
-    The turtle got the gong
-    The turtle had a trick and it made he still alive and the king died.

Task 2
Fill in the story elements of text 2 (“Rip Van Wrinkle”) in the following table.
-         One day,
-         The side of a pond.
-         Forest,

A stag
Some dogs.
The hunters
-         A stag was proud of his horn
-         He ran away from the hunters.
-         His antlers got caught on some branches and trapped.
-         The hunters came closer.
-         He was hunted by the hunter
-         He hid but he was trapped with his antlers.

-         He ran away and hid
-         The hunters came closer to him.

Task 3
Fill in the story elements of text 3 (“Unfortunate Lebai”) in the following table.
-         a hill Bull Gombak,
-         a river called Sungai Emas,
-         along the foot of a hill called Bukit Batu Patah.
-         During the night
-         the center of the field.
-         the sea;
-         A buffalo
-         The skipper
-         Datuk Ketumanggungan
-         Datuk Perpatin nan Sabatang
-         The people of the country
-         A ship with buffalo came and landed at a hill Bull Gombak,
-         It was bathed in a river called Sungai Emas,
-         After that the ship passed along Bukit Batu Patah.
-         The buffalo was taken outside;
-         The skipper said to Datuk Ketumanggungan and Datuk Perpatin nan Sabatang to gathered the people.
-         They were going to look for a young buffalo
-         During the night the young calf was not given the opportunity to be suckled by its mother.
-         The thirsty calf and the big buffalo were driven to the large field.
-         At once the young buffalo attacked with its iron support the belly of the big buffalo; and the young buffalo won the game.
-         The skipper abandoned all his ships and he went back to the sea.
-       The skipper had a strong buffalo wanted his buffalo fought with a calf of the villagers.
-       The buffalo and the calf were driven to the field.
-         The calf was made thirsty and an iron support having nine branches with six apexes.
-         The calf won.

Try to get information about a fable in your home town and summarize it using the generic structure (setting, characters, events, resolution, and conclusion).
Ma’am, I couldn’t find  a fable in my hometown. So, I wrote this fable.                                           
            One morning, in the forest, a rabbit and a turtle met by the river. They were sunbathing and chatting. Rabbit started boasting themselves.
            "Turtle, you know? I'm the fastest runner in the world," said the rabbit arrogantly.
            Turtle did not like to hear rabbit horns. I think I can beat you running.” replied turtle.
            Rabbit laughed out loudly at the turtle's words. "Your path is very slow, how can you run fast," said the rabbit.
            "Eh, Don’t underestimate me. Let's prove, meet me tomorrow here I'll wear white fur on my head so you can see me run through the tall grass we can walk on the hill, who can win? How do you dare?" challenged the turtle.
            The rabbit laughed more and more, "Hahaha, well, if that's what you want, I'll prove that I'm the fastest runner in the world, not you."
            "Okay, I'll prove it too," said the turtle firmly. Actually the turtle knew he would not win a run against the rabbit. But, I wanted to give lessons to the arrogant rabbit.
            Finally, the turtle backed to the wage and planned the tactic. He also raised an idea. He and his family gathered. He needed their help. His siblings were required to wear white feathers on their heads and take up positions on the race track. There were preparing in the valley, there should be in an appropriate place on the hill, and other was in another place that had been determined. Meanwhile, he himself was preparing on the fourth hill.
            The race was coming, and they came to the river. The rabbit saw white fur between the tall grass.          "Well, it looks like the turtle is ready," thought the rabbit.
            "Ready, watch out, start!" shouted the rabbit. The rabbit immediately ran towards the first hill.    Meanwhile, the turtles lagged far behind.
            When the rabbit almost reached the first hill, he was surprised to see the turtle was on the hill. There was no radar that he was being tortured by a turtle, the rabbit fastened and successfully overtook the turtle on the first hill. However, when down the hill, the rabbit again saw the turtle already in the valley. Rabbit increasingly speeded up but again, before the second hill, again the rabbit appeared there. It happened the same in the third location. Rabbit always found turtle in front of him, along the way of the race.
            Finally, the rabbit gave up. “I can not beat the turtles that are already in the valley like. But, surprised to see the turtle was sitting relaxed on the fourth hill.
            "I won, I won," exclaimed the turtle. Finally, the turtle won out because of his ingenuity. Rabbit could be shy and full of regret.

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