1a. Fill in the story elements of “Abraham Lincoln“in the following table.
Abraham Lincoln was born in
1809 in Kentucky (USA). He worked on the farm of his father. He did different
types of jobs before he settled as a highly successful lawyer. He was
gradually drawn to politics.
The country was
having problems regarding the practice of slavery.
At this difficult
time, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the USA in 1860 and he wanted to solve the problem of slavery.
Finally a civil
war broke out between the northern and southern states. He fought the war and won the war and kept the country united.
Lincoln was elected president
for a second term. In 1862, Lincoln declared that from then onwards all
slaves would be free.
Task 1b.Answer these questions.
do you know more about Abraham Lincoln after reading the text?
Abraham Lincoln was a highly successful lawyer who was
drawn to politics. He was selected to become the president of America. He solved
the problems related to the practice of slavery in America.
made him one of the famous presidents of USA?
Lincoln became
one of the
famous president of USA because he declared that all slaves would be free. In 1862
did he solve the problem of unity?
He fought the war bravely and declared for the unity and said 'A Nation cannot exist half free and half slave’ then he
won the war and kept the country united.
did he declare no slaves are allowed?
He delared no
slaves are allowed because he was not against anybody and wanted everybody to
live in peace.
part of the text do you think important for education?
The part of the
text is important for education is
when Lincoln wanted to preserve
the unity of the country at any cost
and said 'A Nation cannot
exist half free and half slave”.
Task 2a. Fill in the story elements of “Maria
Montessori“in the following table.
Paragraph 1
Maria Montessori was an
Italian physician, educator, and innovator, acclaimed for her educational
method that builds on the way children naturally learn.
She opened the
first Montessori school—the Casa dei Bambini, or Children’s House—in Rome on
January 6, 1907.
Maria Montessori
was born on August 31, 1870, in the provincial town of Chiaravalle, Italy.
She was well-schooled and an avid reader—unusual for Italian women of that
Maria’s early
medical practice focused on psychiatry. She also developed an interest in
education. Maria designed learning materials and a classroom environment that
fostered the children’s natural desire to learn..
Paragraph 5
Maria also campaigned on
behalf of women’s rights. Traveling in India in 1940 when hostilities between
Italy and Great Britain broke out, she was forced to live in exile for the
remainder of the war. At war’s end she returned to Europe, spending her final
years in Amsterdam. She died peacefully, in a friend’s garden, on May 6,
Task 2b. Answer these questions.
do the bolded words in the text mean?
I didn’t find any bolded words in the text.
moral value can you draw from the text?
People should
learn from the efforts and struggle of Maria Montessori’ for education which consider about the children’s natural desire to learn and her campaign on women’s rights.
did Maria manage the struggle in difficult times?
She traveled
to India in 1940 when hostilities between Italy and Great Britain broke out and
was forced to live in exile for the remainder of the war.
did she end her life?
At war’s end
she returned to Europe, spending her final years in Amsterdam. She died
peacefully, in a friend’s garden, on May 6, 1952.
do you think Maria’s story beneficial for education?
Maria’s story
beneficial for education because Maria
Montessori’s effortss for education,
particularly her design in learning
materials and a classroom environment that fostered the children’s natural
desire to learn are now applied and useful worldwide.
Task 3a.
Fill in the story elements of “Mark Zuckerberg “in the following table.
Paragraph 1
Born on May 14, 1984, in
White Plains, New York, Mark Zuckerberg co-founded the social-networking
website Facebook out of his college dorm room.
developed an interest in computers at an early age. Zuckerberg enrolled at
Harvard University when he built a program called CourseMatch, and Facemash.
Zuckerberg and
his friends created Facebook. Zuckerberg dropped out of college to devote
himself to Facebook full time, moving the company to Palo Alto, California.
By the end of 2004, Facebook had 1 million users.
Zuckerberg made
two major life changes in May 2012. Facebook had its initial public
offering. Zuckerberg in early 2018
announced his personal challenge to develop improved methods for d efending
Facebook users from abuse and interference by nation-states.
Zuckerberg came
under fire again a few months later when it was revealed that Cambridge
Analytica, a data firm with ties to President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign,
had used private information from approximately 87 million Facebook profiles
without the social network alerting its owners.
Zuckerberg surfaced on
various outlets to explain how the company was taking steps to limit
third-party developers' access to user information, and said he would be
happy to testify before Congress.
Task 3b.
Answer these questions.
How did Mark
develop facebook?
Zuckerberg and his
friends created a site that allowed users to create their own profiles, upload
photos, and communicate with other users. The group ran the site—first called
The Facebook—out of a dorm room at Harvard until June 2004.
What do people like
about using facebook?
People can create their own profiles, upload photos, and
communicate with other users.
What do you want to
suggest for Mark?
I would like to suggest to Mark to really pay attention
to the validity of the data or user profile so that all users can be recorded
properly so that abuse of facebook usage will be avoided
How did Mark manage
the problem of the use of private information by a firm?
Mark announced that the company was taking steps to limit
third-party developers' access to user information, and said he would be happy
to testify before Congress.
what Mark has done, what idea do you have for this digital era?
I think people should
use IT
wisely in developing human civilization, for example for education. People should share valid
information, not hoax.
Part 2 Constructing
Biography Texts
Task 1: Pre writing
Think of a famous living person. Answer the following questions about
this person:
What is the person’s name and where is he/she from?
His name is Muhammad Morsi 'Isa
al-Ayyat and from Mesir.
What things did he/she do to become famous?
He is a politician and
became the fifth Egypt president.
Have you seen him/her on television or in real life?
Yes, I have seen him many times on television and on youtube.
What is he/she like?
Morsi was a strong man. His body has a high average like other Egyptians.
He has a white beard and a mustache. He always uses his glasses. He smiled
sweetly. Morsi is a memorizer of the Quran. He is polite to everyone. He is an
authoritative man of piety. He loved the Quran so much that he wanted to make
the Quran become a guide for the country he loved, Egypt.
What does he/she do now?
Morsi is still a Quran memorizer and he is in jail now. What is in jail means always a bad person? Of course not.
Why is this person important to you?
Morsi taught me that the purpose of life is to fight for Islam to become
a Rahmatan Lil alamin Religion. Morsi has a great soul and is always patient in
facing every test.
Task 2: Sentence
Muhammad Morsi
Muhammad Morsi 'Isa al-Ayyat is a politician
from Egypt who was born in Al-Sharqia, Northern Egypt. Morsi was a strong man.
His body has a high average like other Egyptians. He has a white beard and a
mustache. He always uses his glasses. He smiled sweetly. Morsi is a memorizer
of the Quran. He is polite to everyone. He is an authoritative man of piety. He
loved the Quran so much that he wanted to make the Quran become a guide for the
country he loved, Egypt.
He had
his bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering from Cairo University
respectively in 1975 and 1978. Later, he obtained his PhD in engineering from
the University of Southern California, USA in 1982. In 1982-1985, he became an
assistant professor in California State University at Northridge. In 1985, he
returned to Egypt to teach at Zagazig University.
Morsi married his cousin, Naglaa Ali Mahmoud, in
1979. She reportedly stated that she did
not want to be referred to as "First Lady" but rather as "First
Servant [of the Egyptian public]". Morsi has five children: Ahmed Mohammed
Morsi, who is a physician in Saudi Arabia; Shaima, a graduate of Zagazig
University; Osama, an attorney; Omar who has a bachelor in commerce from
Zagazig University; and Abdullah, a high-school student. Two of Morsi's five
children were born in California and are U.S. citizens by birth. Morsi has
three grandchildren. His third son, Omar, was appointed to the Holding Company
for Airports, a state-owned company, six months after his graduation. However,
he declined the job offer due to many rumours and attacks in the media and
Morsi served as the 5th
President of Egypt from 30 June 2012 to 3 July 2013. Morsi became Member of
Parliament at the Egyptian People's Assembly during the period 2000-2005 and a
prominent figure in the Muslim Brotherhood. Since April 30, 2011, he has served
as Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), a political party founded
by the Muslim Brotherhood after the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. He advanced as
a presidential candidate from FJP in the May-June 2012 presidential elections.
June 24, 2012, Egypt's Election Commission announced that Morsi won the
Presidential Election by defeating Ahmed Shafik, the last Prime Minister under
the rule of Hosni Mubarak. The Election Commission said Morsi earned 51.7
percent of the vote, while Shafiq earned 48.3 percent. Morsi later resigned from
his post as Chairman of the FJP after his victory.
his first state visit to Pakistan, Morsi was awarded an honorary Doctorate of
Philosophy (PhD) by National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) in
Islamabad, Pakistan on 18 March 2013 in recognition of his achievements and
significant contributions towards the promotion of peace and harmony in the
world and strengthening of relations with the Muslim countries, especially
Assignment M3 LA3
a biography about a good friend you have. Think about where and when you met, what
you like to do together, why you are friends, and any other things you want to
include. Try to write at least 200 words.
I am lucky to have a good friend named Hiza. He is
my neighbor and co-worker at the office. We've been friends since 5 years ago. We knew each other when we were in the mosque to attend
the halaqah.
Hiza is a pious man. He was born on July 27 1988 in
Lubuklinggau. Hiza is a Arabic teacher in my school. He was graduated form Al
Ahgaff Yaman University in 2011. He is a clever boy. He speaks Arabic fluently.
He is also Quran memorizer. He loves reciting Quran after doing pray. We have
the same interest. We love to play futsal every weekend with other friends. In
addition, we always review the Quran together
Hiza is not too tall, nor short. He has white (skin)
nor brownish. Hiza is not fat, nor skinny. Even he has a broad shoulder,
sixpack stomache. His hair is not thickly curly, nor straight-lined. his hair
is thick to the earlobes. His cheeks are not protruding, and his eyebrows are not
tacked. I have never seen a more handsome man than he is. He has thick palms
and feet. When walking, he walked upright like a man on a descending path. And
something I love about him is that he always lengthens his beard and tidies his
mustache. He is always clean on his face.
Hiza and I always spent every day together. When we
have a break in the school, we always have a tea together in the cafeteria. He
is not a stingy person. He likes to share what he has. Hiza and I often do Duha
prayer together in the school mosque.
Hiza likes writing an article about politics. He
think that politics is not bad like other people think. He tells me that
politics is a way to manage the people needs. If a good system and people
manage it, the prosperous will come into the human kind.
Hiza is a friendly person to anyone. He will not
hesitate to smile and greet everyone. He is easily familiar with others. I am very comfortable
with him. He always helps me when I need his help. He doesnot hesitate to admonish
and advise me when I am
going to or am
making a mistake. He thinks that life must be in accordance with the rules of
Islam so that salvation can be obtained.. He is not rigid with the development
of the current era while it
is still in accordance with the rules of Islam and that’s why I do not want to
release the grip of his hand during my life. Because I know it so difficult to have a good
friend like him and
we are bounded because of Islam.
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