Sumatif Test Modul 1 Profesional PPG Daljab Bahasa Inggris
Text 1
In the
past two years the threat of cane toads to the Top-End of Australia has become
an increasing reality. Their numbers continue to steadily increase in Kakadu
National Park and they are causing damage to this pristine environment.
There is a number of factors to discuss how such a threat happens and this will
be seen, firstly by discussing the characteristics of cane toads and then,
examining their predicted long term effects on the animals of Kakadu and the
tourist industry.
The text mainly discusses ....
endangered pristine environment
endangered can toads
the over-populated can toads
over-populated animals in Kakadu
12 (1 point)
the text continues the following paragraph will likely start with which of the
following sentence?
National Park is the most endangered open space in Australia due to the over
population of cane toads.
there is limited data available on the effects of cane toads on goanna frogs
and crocodiles these animals won't be discussed further.
the long term cane toads won't survive any longer in Kakadu National Park.
In comparison with native frogs, adult cane toads have a
distinctive head and face.
13 (1 point)
word pristine in the text has closest meaning to....
13 options:
14 (1 point)
another paragraph is made, which of the sentences below will likely be suitable
to start it?
is the largest national park in Australia where cane toads wildly survive.
endangered animals should be kept survived by well-planned cultivation
Another severe threat will also endanger the habitat of
typical Australian animals.
the long term Australia will have to eradicate other destructive animals like
cane toads.
Text 2
is an important part of a healthy diet. However, recently, people are eating
less fruit because it is becoming more expensive. This paper will argue three
factors which significantly play their roles in this discussion. Firstly, it
will identify key terms in the literature around food prices. Secondly, the
paper will focus on fruit, and examine its role in healthy
diets and evaluate recent consumption of such important crops for healthy
main idea of the text is that....
is good to consume for a healthy diet
are recently eating less fruit
high price mainly causes low consumption of fruit
any kind of vegetables fruit is healthy
16 (1 point)
the text continues, the following paragraph will likely start with which of the
following sentences
The rise of food prices in the last five years is
fresh fruit consumption trends suggest that this perishable price hike is
having a negative impact on health.
perishable price hike has to do with what they call the diminishing farmer
price of fresh food like fruit and vegetables increases further than the
price of non-perishable items.
17 (1 point)
word its in the text refers to....
18 (1 point)
sentence will likely appear in the concluding paragraph of the text?
claim that fruit is a great way to access essential vitamins and minerals and
that if people are not getting these vitamins and minerals then the health
impacts could be devastating.
are many different types of healthy fruits for diet such as oranges lemons
cherries apples and pears.
say that more economic development is needed so that people can have access
to the money they need to buy the food to keep them healthy.
The evidence suggests that as a result of this people are
not eating as much fruit as they were five years ago.
19 (1 point)
and visiting new countries can be an extremely thrilling experience.
I usually prefer to take guided tours to explore a new destination. By so
doing, I get a chance to visit its most significant landmarks, get to meet
tourists from other countries and learn about the city's most popular and
authentic restaurants.
word thrilling in the text has closes meaning to....
20 (1 point)
next paragraph will probably begin with which of the sentences below?
The tours are usually organized to cover many important
places including buildings and open places.
other reason to prompt me in taking tour buses is the opportunity to meet
other tourists.
joining professional excursions tourists discover the prominent cultural and
historical buildings in cities such as monuments parks and palaces.
tourists may get to visit all the salient landmarks learn about other
cultures and get familiar with popular restaurants.
Question 21 (1
Which of the sentences below will probably appear in
the concluding paragraph?
Question 22 (1
Education means considerably more
than just teaching a student to read, write, and manipulate numbers.
Computers, the Internet, and advanced electronic devices are becoming
essential in everyday life and have changed the way information is gathered.
How this new technology is utilized in the curriculum and managed by teachers
will have an important role to play in widening the resource and knowledge
base for all students. Technology affects the way teachers teach and students
learn. To make the best use of information technology (IT), schools need a
workable plan to fully integrate it into all aspects of the curriculum so
students are taught how, why, and when to use technology to further enhance
their learning.
(2) If
a school does not have a clear plan of how and why it wishes to implement IT,
then it runs the risk of wasting money. In schools today, nearly all
classrooms have access to a computer. However, many schools mistake this as
incorporating information technology into the curriculum. School staff need
to research what IT is available and what would best serve the school's
purpose, not simply purchase the latest equipment. There should be a policy
stating how IT is going to assist pupils' development and what teachers want
pupils to achieve. Staff members need to be clear about what they want IT to
do for them before they can start incorporating it into their lessons.
(3) Information
technology will be significantly useful to schools when all staff members are
well-informed and fully supported. It is the principal's responsibility, and
should be part of the school's plan to ensure that all staff are consulted
about the changes, and the change is carefully organized. Some teachers may
be resistant, especially if they have not had much experience with computers.
So training teachers is essential in implementing IT into the school
curriculum. Staff members must feel involved in the process of acquiring
technology, and in learning how to operate it, in order for them to increase
their confidence in using IT as a curriculum tool. Teachers are only going to
be able to incorporate IT into their lessons if they are competent users
(4) In
addition, teachers need to be aware that IT within the classroom is extremely
flexible. Therefore, they need to plan what purpose IT serves in each lesson.
The skills a child learns are the important part of any lesson, and it is the
same with technology. IT needs to be used and understood in all subjects in
the same way as the ability to read is necessary for all subjects, and
"must be used across the curriculum, in the same way that a pen and
pencil are used in most subject areas" .The best way to plan the use of
IT in the classroom is to approach it as simply a learning tool that is more
advanced (and more exciting) than the traditional pen and paper. It is
vitally important for students to be taught the strategies for using IT.
Children also need to be fully informed about the capabilities of IT before
being asked to use it. Pupils should be aware that the contexts in which they
use IT will change, and they need to know what the appropriate use of IT is and
what is not. Whilst it is important that children learn to use IT
effectively, teachers must emphasize that IT is not always suitable.
According to experts the danger is that "computer dehumanizes people
and inevitably leads them to act like
machines themselves". Teachers must make sure they plan to use variety
in their lessons. Too much IT instruction may be just as harmful to a child
as not enough.
(5) The
usefulness of IT in the classroom, as with any learning tool, depends on the
innovation and imagination of the teacher. It is imperative, though, that the
implementation of IT into a school is carefully planned. The current
information explosion makes it essential that IT be used extensively within
the classroom so children know how to use IT appropriately and effectively.
Teachers must, therefore, be fully informed about what kinds of IT are
available and whether or not they are appropriate for classroom use. School
boards and teachers must therefore ensure that all staff have a clear plan
about what they want their students to achieve through IT. The appropriate
incorporation of IT into the classroom will broaden the minds and skills of
students, allowing them to be better prepared for further technological
The text is mainly discussing ....
Question 23 (1
Paragraph 2 is mainly talking about....
Question 24 (1
Which one is NOT TRUE according to the text?
Question 25 (1
The word manipulate in paragraph 1 has
closest meaning to...
Question 26 (1
The word inevitably in paragraph 4 has
closest meaning to....
Question 27 (1
The word them in paragraph 4
refers to....
Question 28 (1
Where will you probably find the above text?
Question 29 (1
Which one is TRUE according to the text?
Question 30 (1
What does the text strongly recommend?
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