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TASK M6 LA3 Procedure Text How to Use Photocopier



Text 1
Text 2
Social Function
To describe how something (photocopier) is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps
To describe how something (photocopier) is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps
Text Structure
·       Goal : How to use a photocopier

·       Steps

1.      Make sure to turn the machine on
2.      Lift up the cover
3.      Put the document onto the class
4.      Put the document face down on the upper top of the glass
5.      Lower the cover and select the paper you wish
6.      Press “START” button
7.      Wait the machine copying
8.      Don’t forget to collect the copy from the tray when the copy is ready
·       Goal : Using the Photocopier

·       Steps

1.    Locate the power switch and turn the machine on
2.    Wait for a while for the machine to warm up
3.    Lift the cover and place the document face down on the glass
4.    Take care for the position
5.    Lower the cover by using contol panel
6.    Select the number of copies to make
7.    Push start button to copy
8.    You can use the automatic feed to copy documents several pages in length
9.    Position tthe stack of documents
10.  See the photocopier options of collating and staapling 9utomatically or not)
11.   press start button and the documents will be photocopied, coollated and stapled

Infinitive Complements
Switch and turn the machine on
Locate the power switch and turn the machine
Wait for the machine to warm up
Allow sufficient time for the machine to warm up
Lift the cover and place the document
You must lift the cover and place the document
Copy face down on the glass
You wish to copy face down on the glass
Lower the cover and use the control panel
You must lower the cover and use the control panel
Select the number of copies
You must select the number of copies
Push “start’
You should push start button
Use the automatic feed on your copier
You should use automatic feed on copier
Position your stack of documents
You should position the stack of document
Select these options on digital display
You should select the options on digital display
Press “start”
You should press start button

Text 1
Using a Fax Machine
1.   Plug in into a power source and a phone jack
2.   Get the fax number for the destination
3.   Arrange the documents in order
4.   Fill out a coversheet of the fax
5.   Position the documents faceup in the feeder tray
6.   Dial the receipent’s number and press “send” or “fax”
Make sure turn off all office equipments at the end of your work day, unless you are instructed otherwise

Text 2
How to Apply A Border to A Resume Paper
1.   Scan your resume and save to your computer
2.   Open your resume in word processing software
3.   Click on the “Page layout” tab and “Page border” icon
4.   Choose  from solid or dotted lines, shading, line thickness and border placement
5.   Click “OK” button and “SAVE”
Save your new resume with a different name from the original so that you can change the border or update your resume as needed
Keep your border simple. Most employers find loud and busy borders distracting
Text 3
How to Electronicxally Sign A Word document
1.     Convert handwritten signature to electronic
2.     Format electronic handwritten signature
3.     Sign electronically in word

Text 4
How to Care for Office Equipment
1.     Clean the equipment in every few month
2.     Do a regular maintenance

1.    Keep tthe computers in a dry environment but not of excessive heator
2.    Wipe screen and keyboard regularly
3.    Use compressed air to clean debris from between keys on the keyboard
4.    Keep ventilaation holes on the computer clear of blockages
5.    Plug all computers into surge protectors

1.   Open removable parts of the printer and wipe the inside with a dry cleancloth
2.   Verify the weight and size of paaper
3.   Change ink as needed

1.    Do not overfill the papertray
2.    Remove all jammed paper

Fax Machines
1.     Keep a fax machine in a dry room
2.     Place a fax machine at least six inches from walls
3.     Fan paper with your hand befoore inserting it in the fax machine
4.     Change toner as needed
Never  force an office maachin to open. When doing maintenance cleaning, only access parts of the machine that open easily

Video 1. How to use photocopier
Ø Use your card from the library that contain your amount
Ø Insert the card into thr machine, and it tells amount of your money whether it is enough or not to use the phhotocopier
Ø Put your document inside the Potocopier
Ø Make sure the power button is on
Ø Decide how many of copies do you require
Ø Prest start button to start copying
Ø Wait for the process and the photocopier send out the copy
Ø Take out our document
Ø The last, push escape button to eject the card

Video 2. Be the Geekcast
Ø Burning files to CD or DVD
Ø Computers are able to copy or burn the files to CD or DVD
Ø We can burn many files or we can choose only one by using CTRL + click select multiple files
Ø Click the burn button to burn for windows vista or 7, while for windows XP, by clicking the file – click send to, and choose CD or DVD on menu
Ø Choose burn to disc button to files ready to be written to the disc – click next until the process finishing succesfully
Ø Rewritable disc often require slower speed
Ø Don’t use CD’s or DVD’s for backing up because it is easily damaged  

Video 3. How to scan document properly
Ø  Consider to the form of document/paper, is it in portrait or landscape form. If it is in landscape, you should arrange its top on the left side/position
Ø  Before inserting the ordered documents, please aware about the tear paper and the staple
Ø  Put the ordered paper into the scanner. Put it in a properly position
Ø  Connect the scanner to the computer by opening scanner softwere in the computer
Ø  The the scan process begins
Ø  After the process finish, don’t forget to put the scanning doocuments in a properly location

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