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Latihan TOEFL Listening Comprehension dan Kunci Jawaban

Time – approximately 35 minutes
(Including the reading of the directions for each part)

In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to un­derstand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts in this section. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Do not take notes or write in your test book at any time. Do not turn the pages until you are told to do so.
Part A
Directions: In Part A you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversation and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the num­ber of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Listen to an example.
On the recording, you hear:
(man)        : Have you sent the parcels?
(woman)   : Yes. I had them sent yesterday.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
In your test book, you read:
(A) The parcels had been sent by the woman.
(B) The woman sends the parcels.
(C) The parcels had sent yesterday.
(D) The woman had been sent yesterday
You learn from the conversation that the woman had sent the parcels yesterday (ac­tive). It means that the parcels had been sent by the woman (passive). The best answer to the question, “What does the woman mean?” is (A) “The parcels had been sent by the woman.”Therefore, the correct choice is (A).

Now begin work on the questions.
(A) A chef
(B) A cook
(C) A baker
(D) A salesperson
(A) He gets the news about the President.
(B) He has been told by the spokesman.
(C) He calls the President’s spokesman.
(D) He finds the spokesman.
(A) in a restaurant
(B) in a bank
(C) in a post office
(D) at the train station
(A) He has been there for an hour
(B) He has left before an hour
(C) He has waited for just some minutes.
(D) He has been there for thirty minutes.
(A) At the cinema
(B) At a restaurant
(C) At home
(D) At a museum
(A) He has something to do.
(B) He’s also happy that the classes are finished.
(C) He is in the classroom.
(D) He’s glad to talk about the classroom.
(A) The man’s birthday
(B) The woman’s birthday
(C) A friend’s birthday
(D) Their mother’s birthday
(A) He exports some photos.
(B) He takes a photo.
(C) He is not very skilled.
(D) He is an expert.
(A) Asking for help from a lawyer
(B) Becoming a lawyer.
(C) Seeing the women’s lawyer.
(D) Finding a lawyer for the woman.
(A) It’s short.
(B) It’s simple.
(C) It’s nice.
(D) It’s important.
(A) The stereo is very loud.
(B) She does not want to hear the stereo.
(C) The stereo is loud enough.
(D) The man can increase the volume.
(A) In a bank
(B) In an airport
(C) In a store
(D) In a hotel
(A) She feels the same as the man.
(B) She has a different feeling from the man.
(C) She is not happy being there.
(D) She doesn’t share with the man.
(A) He has the newest chemistry book on his own.
(B) He has just borrowed a chemistry book.
(C) He did not find the newest chemistry book in the book store.
(D) He has looked for the chemistry book in the library.
(A) Diana has already known about it.
(B) Diana has just been told about it.
(C) The woman has not told Diana yet.
(D) The woman doesn’t know either.
(A) He wants to ride with the woman.
(B) The man will drive the woman home.
(C) The woman may leave the man there.
(D) He is not going home alone.
(A) She is going somewhere.
(B) She wants to go with the man.
(C) She will stay at home.
(D) She is visiting her hometown.
(A) The sandwich is so bland.
(B) He has a sandwich for lunch.
(C) The sandwich needs some more ingredients.
(D) The sandwich is delicious.
(A) She doesn’t want to go to class.
(B) The course starts in the evening.
(C) She takes the course with the man.
(D) The course is canceled.
(A) He wants to enjoy the sunny day.
(B) He wants to stay at home.
(C) He wants to go with his son together.
(D) The woman can go alone.
(A) She will buy the ticket today.
(B) She has some problem with her flight ticket.
(C) She is not very healthy.
(D) She does not feel that her flight is well-prepared.
(A) His baby slept.
(B) His baby was playing in bed.
(C) His baby doesn’t like to sleep.
(D) His baby was awake.
(A) He shares the woman’s opinion.
(B) He doesn’t believe the woman.
(C) He disagrees with the woman.
(D) He has his own opinion about the weather.
(A) Jimmy’s father is a professor.
(B) Jimmy wants to be a professor.
(C) Jimmy is discussing his thesis.
(D) jimmy is typing his thesis.
(A) He’s not sure about the exam.
(B) He received a passing grade.
(C) He does not satisfy with his previous test score.
(D) His test score is very good.
(A) Re-writing the essay
(B) Throwing the essay
(C) Deleting the mistakes
(D) Consulting the essay
(A) He wants to offer her orange juice.
(B) He asks for a glass of orange juice.
(C) He peels oranges in his kitchen.
(D) He has just picked some oranges.
(A) The math test will still be held that day.
(B) It is impossible to have the test today.
(C) The test is still going on.
(D) The test has just been handed out.
(A) In a fast-food restaurant
(B) In a grocery store
(C) In a harbor
(D) In an internet center
(A) He should finish the drink
(B) The drink is good.
(C) She wants the man to buy her a drink
(D) She will buy him another drink

1.    (man)        : I saw your mother at the bakery this morning.
(woman)   : Really? Did you say hello? My mother works there.
(narrator) : Who is the woman’s mother likely to be?
(A) A chef
(B) A cook
(C) A baker
(D) A salesperson
2.    (woman)   : The President can’t attend the banquette.
(man)        : I already know. His spokesman told me.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He gets the news about the President.
(B) He has been told by the spokesman.
(C) He calls the President’s spokesman.
(D) He finds the spokesman.
3.    (man)        : The letter for our client has not arrived yet. Do you know why the delay is?
(woman)   : I’m so sorry. Actually, the courier has not sent it yet.
(narrator) : Where does the dialog probably take place?
(A) in a restaurant
(B) in a bank
(C) in a post office
(D) at the train station
4.    (woman)   : How long have you been here?
(man)        : I’ve been here for half an hour.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He has been there for an hour
(B) He has left before an hour
(C) He has waited for just some minutes.
(D) He has been there for thirty minutes.
5.    (man)        : I was looking for you at your house last night.
(woman)   : I’m sorry. I went out for dinner with my parents last night.
(narrator) : Where were the woman and her parents?
(A) At the cinema
(B) At a restaurant
(C) At home
(D) At a museum
6.    (woman)   : I’m so happy because the class is over.
(man)        : Me too.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He has something to do.
(B) He’s also happy that the classes are finished.
(C) He is in the classroom.
(D) He’s glad to talk about the classroom.
7.    (man)        : This is so ridiculous! You shouldn’t have done that!
(woman)   : I know. We just want to give him a surprise on his birthday!
(narrator) : Whose birthday is it?
(A) The man’s birthday
(B) The woman’s birthday
(C) A friend’s birthday
(D) Their mother’s birthday
8.    (woman)   : Do you like photography?
(man)        : Yes, I do. But I’m not an expert.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He exports some photos.
(B) He takes a photo.
(C) He is not very skilled.
(D) He is an expert.
9.    (man)        : I don’t understand anything about law.
(woman)   : Why don’t you see a lawyer to help you?
(narrator) : What is the woman’s suggestion?
(A) Asking for help from a lawyer
(B) Becoming a lawyer.
(C) Seeing the women’s lawyer.
(D) Finding a lawyer for the woman.
10. (woman)    : Do you need help?
(man)        : No, thanks. It’s not a big deal.
(narrator) : What does the man mean about the deal?
(A) It’s short.
(B) It’s simple.
(C) It’s nice.
(D) It’s important.
11. (man)         : I can’t hear the stereo.
(woman)   : You can turn it up.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) The stereo is very loud.
(B) She does not want to hear the stereo.
(C) The stereo is loud enough.
(D) The man can increase the volume.
12. (woman)    : Good morning. I have a reservation for a single room under the name Mrs. Jazz.
(man)        : Good morning, mam. Your room number is 324, and here is your key.
(narrator) : Where does the conversation probably take place?
(A) In a bank
(B) In an airport
(C) In a store
(D) In a hotel
13. (man)         : This is a very nice place! Beautiful mountain and green trees! I am glad to be here.
(woman)   : Same with me.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) She feels the same as the man.
(B) She has a different feeling from the man.
(C) She is not happy being there.
(D) She doesn’t share with the man.
14. (woman)    : Where have you been?
(man)        : I’ve been in the book store. I have just bought the newest chemistry book.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He has the newest chemistry book by his own.
(B) He has just borrowed a chemistry book.
(C) He did not find the newest chemistry book in the book store.
(D) He have looked for the chemistry book in the library.
15. (man)         : Have you told Diana about the meeting cancellation?
(woman)   : I’m going to tell her later.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) Diana has already known about it.
(B) Diana has just been told about it.
(C) The woman has not told Diana yet.
(D) The woman doesn’t know either.
16. (woman)    : I have to go home right now. Do you still want a ride with me?
(man)        : I need to stay for fifteen minutes longer.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He wants to ride with the woman.
(B) The man will drive the woman home.
(C) The woman may leave the man there.
(D) He is not going home alone.
17. (man)         : Do you have any plans for the weekend? I’m going to my grandma’s house.
(woman)   : No, I don’t. I’m not going anywhere.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) She is going somewhere.
(B) She wants to go with the man.
(C) She will stay at home.
(D) She is visiting her hometown.
18. (woman)   : Do you think that this sandwich needs some ingredients?
(man)        : No, it’s so good already.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) The sandwich is so bland.
(B) He has a sandwich for lunch.
(C) The sandwich needs some more ingredients.
(D) The sandwich is delicious.
19. (man)         : It’s 2 pm already. When will the course begin?
(woman)   : It will begin at 6 pm.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) She doesn’t want to go to class.
(B) The course starts in the evening.
(C) She takes the course with the man.
(D) The course is canceled.
20. (woman) : It’s a sunny day. Let’s go outside together.
(man) : OK. Let’s go.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He wants to enjoy the sunny day.
(B) He wants to stay at home.
(C) He wants to go with his son together.
(D) The woman can go alone.
21. (man)         : You look so upset. Are there any problems with your flight ticket?
(woman)   : No, there isn’t. I just don’t feel well today.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) She will buy the ticket today.
(B) She has some problem with her flight ticket.
(C) She is not very healthy.
(D) She does not feel that her flight is well-prepared.
22. (woman)    : I heard your baby cried last night.
(man)        : He couldn’t sleep.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) His baby slept.
(B) His baby was playing in bed.
(C) His baby doesn’t like to sleep.
(D) His baby was awake.
23. (woman)    : The weather makes me uncomfortable.
(man)        : You can say that again.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He shares the woman’s opinion.
(B) He doesn’t believe the woman.
(C) He disagrees with the woman.
(D) He has his own opinion about the weather.
24. (man)         : Do you know where Jimmy is?
(woman)   : I think he is consulting his thesis to the professor.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) Jimmy’s father is a professor.
(B) Jimmy wants to be a professor.
(C) Jimmy is discussing his thesis.
(D) jimmy is typing his thesis.
25. (woman)    : What are you doing?
(man)        : My previous test score was not very good. Now I’m studying harder for the next test tomorrow.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He’s not sure about the exam.
(B) He received a passing grade.
(C) He does not satisfy with his previous test score.
(D) His test score is very good.
26. (man)         : This essay has still many mistakes.
(woman)   : Why don’t you discuss with your friend to minimize the mistakes?
(narrator) : What does the woman suggest?
(A) Re-writing the essay
(B) Throwing the essay
(C) Deleting the mistakes
(D) Consulting the essay
27. (woman)    : I’m so thirsty.
(man)        : Let’s go to my kitchen. I have some orange juice there.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
(A) He wants to offer her orange juice.
(B) He asks for a glass of orange juice.
(C) He peels oranges in his kitchen.
(D) He has just picked some oranges.
28. (man)         : Ma’am, is it our math test today?
(woman)   : I’m sorry. We don’t have enough time. We have to postpone it until next time.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) The math test will still be held that day.
(B) It is impossible to have the test today.
(C) The test is still going on.
(D) The test has just been handed out.
29. (woman)    : Excuse me. May I help you, Sir?
(man)        : No, I’m just browsing.
(narrator) : Where does the conversation probably take place?
(A) In a fast-food restaurant
(B) In a grocery store
(C) In a harbor
(D) In an internet center
30. (man)         : I don’t like the taste of the drink.
(woman)   : Really? I’ll get another drink for you.
(narrator) : What does the woman mean?
(A) He should finish the drink
(B) The drink is good.
(C) She wants the man to buy her a drink
(D) She will buy him another drink


1. C
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. C
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. A
24. C
25. C
26. D
27. A
28. B
29. D
30. D

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