The Literacy Components

Ferguson ( describes the information literacy component consisting of basic literacy, library literacy, media literacy, technological literacy, and visual literacy. The literacy component is described as follows.
1. Basic Literacy
Basic Literacy, which is the ability to listen, speak, read, write, and count related to the ability of analysis to calculate, perceiving, communicating, and describing information based on understanding and personal conclusions.
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2. Library Literacy
Library Literacy, among others, provides an understanding of how to distinguish between fiction and nonfiction, utilizing reference and periodic collections, to understand the Dewey Decimal System as a classification of knowledge that makes it easy to use libraries, to understand the use of catalogs and indexing, to have knowledge in understanding information while completing a post, research, work, or troubleshoot.
3. Media Literacy
Media Literacy is the ability to know various forms of different media, such as print media, media electronics (radio media, television media), digital media (internet media), and understand the purpose of its use.
4. Literacy Technology
Literacy Technology, namely the ability to understand completeness that follows technology such as hardware, software (software), as well as ethics and etiquette in the harness technology. Next, the ability to understand technology for print, present, and access the internet. In practice, also understanding using a computer is on it includes turning on and off the computer, saving and manage data, and operate software programs. In line with the flood of information due to technological developments At this time, a good understanding of information management is required that society needs.
5. Visual Literacy
Visual Literacy is an advanced understanding between media literacy and technology literacy, which develops capabilities and learning needs by utilizing visual and audiovisual materials critically and dignified. The interpretation of visual material unstoppable, whether in print, auditory, or digital (the combination of all three is called multimodal text), needs to be managed with good. In any case, there are many manipulations and entertainment really need to be filtered on the basis of ethics and propriety.
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