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Dalam soal listening dialong singkat (short dialog) berisi percakapan antara 2 orang. Setiap dialog akan diikuti sebuah pertanyaan. Ingatlah bahwa jawaban untuk jenis soal ini, paling sering ditemukan berada di baris terakhir dari percakapan.
Perhatikan contoh berikut.

>>  Di dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar:
(Man)      :   Billy really made a big mistake this time.     (Billy sungguh telah membuat kesalahan saat ini)
(Woman):   Yes, he forgot to turn in his research paper   (Ya, dia lupa menyerahkan karya ilmiahnya)
(Narator):   What does the woman say about Billy?          (Apa yang dikatakan wanita mengenai Billy?)

>>  Pada buku tes atau pada layar komputer, Anda akan membaca:
       (A)  It was the first time he made a mistake.                  (Ini pertama kalinya dia membuat kesalahan)
       (B)  He forgot to write his paper.                                    (Dia lupa untuk menulis karya ilmiahnya)
       (C)  He turned in the paper in the wrong place.              (Dia menyerahkan karya ilmiahnya pada tempat yang salah)
       (D)  He didn’t remember to submit his assignment.        (Dia tidak ingat untuk mengumpulkan tugasnya)
Baris terakhir dari dialog ini menunjukkan bahwa Billy lupa menyerahkan karya ilmiahnya,  dan ini berarti bahwa Dia tidak ingat untuk mengumpulkannya. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah (D).

1.         Ingatlah bahwa baris akhir dari dialog kemungkinan berisi jawaban dari pertanyaannya.
2.         Dengarkan baris pertama dari dialog, jika anda memahaminya. Jika tidak memahaminya, jangan khawatir karena itu kemungkinan tidak berisi jawabanmya.
3.         Selalu fokus pada baris terakhir dari dialog. Ingat kembali apa yang diucapkannya untuk menemukan jawabannya.

Perhatikan baris akhir pada percakapan. Baca pertanyaannya, dan pelajari pilihan jawabannya. Ingatlah, Anda akan melihat bahwa jawabannya terdapat pada baris akhir dari percakapan tersebut.

1. On the recording, you hear:
(Man)                 :  Can you tell me if today’s matinee is a comedy, romance, or western?
(Woman)            :  I have no idea.
(Narrator)           :  What does the woman mean?

(A)  She has strong ideas about movies.
(B)  She prefers comedies over westerns and romances.
(C)  She doesn’t like today’s matinee.
(D)  She does not know. √

2. On the recording, you hear:
(Woman)            : Was anyone at home at Barb’s house when you went there to deliver the package?
(Man)                 : I rang the bell, but no one answered.
(Narrator)           : What does the man imply?

(A)  Barb answered the bell.
(B)  The house was probably empty. √
(C)  The bell wasn’t in the house.
(D)  The house doesn’t have a bell.

3. On the recording, you hear:
(Woman)            :  You just got back from the interview for the internship. How do you think it went?
(Man)                 :  I think it’s highly unlikely that I got the job.
(Narrator)           :  What does the man suggest?

(A)  It’s unlikely that he’ll go to the interview.
(B)  He thinks he’ll be recommended for a high-level job.
(C)  The interview was apparently quite unsuccessful. √
(D)  He had an excellent interview.

In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. You should focus carefully on the last line.

1.  (A)  He is leaving now.
     (B)  He has to go out of his way.
     (C)  He will not be leaving soon.
     (D)  He will do it his own way.
2.  (A)  He locked the door.
     (B)  He tried unsuccessfully to get into the house.
     (C)  He was able to open the door.
     (D)  He left the house without locking the door.

3. (A)  She doesn’t like to listen to turkeys.
     (B)  She thinks the dinner sounds special.
     (C)  She especially likes the roast turkey.
     (D)  She’d prefer a different dinner.

4.  (A)  He’ll be busy with her homework tonight.
     (B)  He can’t help her tonight.
     (C)  He’s sorry he can’t ever help her.
     (D)  He’ll help her with her physics.
5.  (A)  Her eyes hurt.
     (B)  She thought the lecture was great.
     (C)  The class was boring.
     (D)  She didn’t want to watch Professor Martin.

6.  (A) Not all the bills have been paid.
     (B)  They don’t have enough credit to pay the bills.
     (C)  What she said on the phone was not credible.
     (D)  He used a credit card to pay some of the bills.

7.  (A)  She’ll call back quickly.
     (B)  She’ll definitely be back by 4:00.
     (C)  She’ll give it back by 4:00.
     (D)  She’ll try to return fast.

8.  (A)  She hasn’t seen Tim.
     (B)  Tim was there only for a moment.
     (C)  Tim was around a short time ago.
     (D)  Tim will return in a minute.

9.  (A)  She doesn’t like the place he chose.
     (B)  She doesn’t want to get into the car. 
     (C)  She’s glad the spot is reserved.          
     (D)  They can’t park the car there.

10.       (A)       There’s plenty to eat.
            (B)       The refrigerator’s broken.
            (C)       The food isn’t in the refrigerator.
            (D)       He’s not sure if there’s enough.

Trascript Toefl Exercise I
1.   (Woman)         :  How soon will you be leaving?
            (Man)              :  I’m on my way now.
            (Narrator)        :  WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN?

2.   (Man)              :  Was Steve able to get into the house?
      (Woman)         :  I left the door unlocked for him.
            (Narrator)        :  WHAT DOES THE WOMAN ASSUME STEVE DID?

3.   (Man)              : The dinner special is roast turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy, and apple pie for dessert.
      (Woman)         : That doesn’t sound good to me.
            (Narrator)        : WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN?

4.   (Woman)         : Could you help me with my physics homework tonight?  I’m really having trouble with it.
      (Man)              : Sorry, I’m busy tonight.
            (Narrator)        : WHAT DOES THE MAN IMPLY?

5.   (Man)              : What did you think of Professor Martin’s lecture on the migratory habits of whales?
      (Woman)         : I couldn’t keep my eyes open.
            (Narrator)        : WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN?

6.   (Woman)         : Have this month’s bills been paid, or is that something we need to take care of now?
      (Man)              : I paid the phone and electricity, but not the credit cards.
            (Narrator)        : WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN?

7.   (Man)              : Will you be able to get back from run¬ning all your errands by four o’clock?
      (Woman)         : I’ll be back as quickly as I can.
            (Narrator)        : WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY THAT SHE’LL DO?

8.   (Man)              : Have you seen Tim? I really need to talk with him about the phone bill.
      (Woman)         : Well,... he was here just a minute ago.
            (Narrator)        : WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY ABOUT TIM?

9.   (Man)              : There’s a car parked in my spot even though the sign says that this space is reserved.
      (Woman)         :  I guess we’ll have to park somewhere else.
            (Narrator)        : WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN?

10. (Woman)         : Do we have enough food for all the guests who are attending the reception this evening?
(Man)              : The refrigerator’s about to burst.
            (Narrator)        : WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN?

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