Process Paragraph and How to Create? Ini langkah-langkahnya
Process Paragraph and How to Create? Ini langkah-langkahnya
Banyak sekali bentuk paragraf dalam bahasa inggris. Mulai dari prosess paragraph descriptive paragraf, comparizon dan contrast, problem and solution, opinion essays. setiap paragraf memiliki ciri yang berbeda. namun untuk sebuah paragraf setidaknya mempunyai, topic sentence or main idea, supporting sentences and concluding senctences.
Dalam proses paragraph menjelaskan proses membuat sesuatu. Seperti membuat minuman, masakan atau makanan dan membuat hal lainnya. ada langkah-langkah misalnya yang pertama, yang kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya.
prosess paragraph, you can explain how to make or do something , so process paragraphs are also called how to pragraphs. To explain how to do something clearly, break the process down into a series of steps and explain each step. The model paragraph explains the process of building a campfire as you read it, count the number of steps. Also, notice the words and phrases that introduce each step.
untuk membuat paragraf ini anda perlu mempersiapkan topik apa atau sesuatu yang akan anda buat. membuat main idea of pragraph, supporting sentences berupa steps atau langka-lankah membuat sesuatu, dan terakhir kesimpulan dari semua yang sudah ditulis sebelumnya.
nah untuk contoh prosess paragraf bisa lihat di paragraf berikut:
How to Build a One-Match Campfire
Building a campfire that you can light with one match is simple if you follow these easy steps. The first step is to prepare a safe place for your campfire. Clear an area on the ground at least 3 feet wide, and a circle of stones around it. Second, gather fuel. You will need several sizes of fuel: small twigs, medium sticks and large sticks. The next steps is to build a tepee. Put a handful of twigs in a small pile and use the small sticks to build a small tepee over the pile. Leave spaces large enough to drop a lighted match through. Next build a cabin around the tepee using the medium sticks. Fifth, place two large pieces of wood on either side of the cabin, and lay two or three long sticks on top to make a loose roof. The last step is to light a match and drop it through a space in the tepee. Soon you will enjoy the warmth of a nice fire, an your friends will admire your skill at lighting a campfire with only one match.
Dari paragraf inikita bisa lihat yang menjadi main idea adalah pada kalimat pertama Building a campfire that you can light with one match is simple if you follow these easy steps. selanjutnya sebagai supporting sentences nya mulai dari kalimat ke dua. dan yang menjadi kesimpulan adalah kalimat terakhir.
Dalam pembuatan process paragraph untuk topic sentence use word such as steps, procedure, directions, suggestion, and instructions.
- You can teach your dog to fetch in a very short time by following this procedure.
- Making a pizza is easy if you follow these instructions.
- Follow these steps to throw a frisbee accurately.
The supporting sentences are the steps and detail about each step.
- when your dog brings back the stick, praise him extravagantly.
- the first step is to gather the ingredients you will need.
- first, grip the edge of the frisbee with all your fingers wrapped underneath the edge and your thumb along the top.
The concluding sentence can be the last step, or it can give the results.
- at the end of the lesson, give your dog a nice treat for a job well done.
- now sit downs and enjoy your delicious pizza.
- finally, make sure the frisbee stay level while you thow.
Nah mudah bukan dalam membuat prosess paragraph, semoga teman-teman bisa dan langsung mencoba ya.
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